A Beautiful Baptism in Asia!!!
One of the most beautiful praise reports from Josh & Anna’s mission outreach (ministering throughout remote villages in South Asia), was a water baptism service for new believers with N.E.T.S. Minister, N. J. Paul Sundersingh Babu. What a joy to be a part of baptizing believers, as they commit their lives to follow Jesus Christ.
Please pray . . .
As we continue to rejoice in the work that God has done (and is doing), we also need to remember to keep these precious new believers in prayer, as new believers and Christians in this part of Asia are often persecuted for their faith in Jesus.
For more, please see Josh & Anna’s Gospel Projects International
More about Harvest Ministry’s N.E.T.S. Minister, N. J. Paul Sundersingh babu
And here’s a Glimpse of Josh & Anna’s Mission Adventures
N.E.T.S. Testimony in Tanzania
During November, Harvest Ministry’s N.E.T.S. (National Evangelism Team Support) leader, Naboth Tumuhairwe, traveled over rough mountainous roads to share the Good News in a remote area in Tanzania. Over 2,000 people came to hear the preaching of the Gospel message, and multitudes repented of their sins and prayed to receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Exciting personal reports were given during the outreach, including many people who testified of being healed by God and powerfully delivered.
However, the outreach was not without a struggle.
En route to the mission, the brakes on Naboth’s ministry truck stopped working, and his vehicle rolled three times down the steep mountainside approximately 500 yards. Thankfully (and with tremendous praise to God), other than a few aches and pains, no one was injured, although the vehicle was totally smashed and ruined.
The roads in Africa are often so dangerous. Five years ago — right about this time of the year — another beloved N.E.T.S. Minister, Jimmy Onaali, was tragically killed in a car accident en route to a prayer meeting. And many times, we have had close calls on dangerous roads.
We are so thankful for God’s protection over Naboth’s and his mission team’s lives, and we praise God that they were able to borrow a car to go forward to complete the mission.
However, along with this praise report of exciting mission testimonies from Tanzania, we also need to share a big mission need. Due to this terrible accident, our dear ministry co-worker and N.E.T.S. Minister Naboth (who oversees several hundred village churches and also directs Harvest Ministry’s Guma Na Yesu Children’s Center with over 500 orphan children) is now without a very-necessary ministry vehicle.
It’s a very big need, but if anyone could help, please let us know.
And please pray.
Here are a few photos of the wrecked ministry truck.
We do praise God for His protection over all who were involved in this life-threatening accident, and pray for God’s provision for another vehicle for Naboth and his mission work.
The ministry continues . . .
For now, back in Mbarara, Uganda, the ministry continues. Here is a December photo of Naboth at his home church, from a recent AFRICA MY DREAM conference. Notice the altar call in the background, and how the Lord is moving among the people in the congregation:
A Sound System for Soulwinning!
We have some exciting news this month from Harvest Ministry’s NETS (National Evangelism Team Support) outreach! Evangelist and church-planter, Joseph Baluku (of Bwera, Uganda – East Africa) was able to get a complete new sound system which he can use for outreaches and sharing the Good News of Jesus.For an introduction to Harvest Ministry’s “N.E.T.S.” Ministry, click here. Ready for Soulwinning!
We were so blessed by this photo and Joseph’s thank you note, which shows such a heart of appreciation and a desire to make the best use of this equipment to reach the lost for Jesus Christ. What an example!
A thank you note . . .
Praise Jesus our Lord.
It is a great pleasure to inform you that all is well here in Bwera. Thank you for the funds for the Public Address System.
I have purchased the following
- A generator
- 2 speakers
- A mixer
- An amplifier
- 1 stand
- 3 cables
- Stabilizer
- 1 Horn speaker
Receive the photo, what is remaining is to go out – where people are and share with them God’s love through Jesus Christ winning them to the Kingdom. I appreciate all your efforts. Be more blessed.
I love you. Read Proverbs 11:25.
Thanks. Yours in God’s vineyard,
Evangelist Joseph Baluku
Meet Joseph & Margret Baluku
NETS Ministers, Joseph & Margret Baluku
Joseph & Margret focus on remote evangelism throughout the southwestern area of Uganda, especially church planting in the Rwenzori mountain areas. Joseph ministers in different cities and villages throughout East Africa (in both Uganda and Kenya), leading evangelistic crusades, open air meetings, revival and prayer meetings, teaching seminars, school meetings, couple’s seminars with Margret, and baptism services.
We PRAISE GOD for both Joseph and Margret, their ministry, and their walk with the Lord. They also are area coordinators, supervising and leading over 20 HMFI – Harvest Ministry Fellowship International ministers and churches.
Joseph says, “Calvary greetings to you . . . I appreciate your prayers and support for this soulwinning mission. . . . Truly our God is good.”
(Left: one of the remote village churches Joseph oversees – Right: Joseph & Margret)
Prayer Request:
Please pray for Joseph and Margret and their eight children. The Baluku family have been active in village evangelism, church planting and overseeing, counseling, and Bible teaching. Harvest Ministry is so honored to partner with such precious people.Joseph and Margret deeply love the Lord and have a passion for soulwinning and strong discipleship of believers. Please keep them in prayer.
Read more about NETS – Harvest Ministry’s National Evangelism Team Support
Read more about HMFI – Harvest Ministry Fellowship International
H.M.F.I. News: Serving Churches
An important outreach of Harvest Ministry is SERVING CHURCHES (primarily remote village churches), through a mission called “H.M.F.I. – Harvest Ministry Fellowship International.”
This past year, we have confirmed hundreds of national minister applications and we are excited about the potential of this vision.
Our second annual East Africa HMFI conference will be held in Mbarara, Uganda, with an expected attendance of approximately 1000 ministers (including HMFI delegates from Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania, Congo, and Kenya).
Read more about H.M.F.I. . . . here. < < -----
HMFI pastors meeting in East Africa
(with HMFI delegates from Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, and Congo)
An encouraging note from East Africa:
Beloved Friends Jon and Ann,Receive these words of encouragement.
Deep in my spirit, I feel for sure that this is the right time
of the new vision of H.M.I.F. I have believed and known that he is God who spoke to you. Through this vision, you are going to touch many lives and cause revival which will remain in history. Because the pastors in villages are lacking motivation and there is no one who has ever thought about them. People run to cities and neglect the villages and yet the pastors in villages work for God with one heart. Therefore, take heart and go on.The God who spoke to you is caring, He will fulfill the vision and provide what is enough for it. Because God can not TAKE you where his GRACE can not keep you.
Yours in God’s service,
Evangelist Joseph Baluku and a remote village congregation
– Uganda, East Africa
H.M.F.I. Update from India:
Photos of some of our newest H.M.F.I. Members
–S.E. IndiaRead more about H.M.F.I. . . . here. < < -----
Equipping Nationals: N.E.T.S. News from Naboth!!!
“N.E.T.S” – National Evangelism Team Support: EAST AFRICA
N.E.T.S. Minister Naboth Tumuhairwe and his wife Alice have been working together with Harvest Ministry’s N.E.T.S. Outreach since 1991. By God’s grace, they have planted hundreds of self-supporting village churches throughout East Africa (currently overseeing 190 congregations and many national ministers), and are directors of Guma Na Yesu Children’s Center in Mbarara, Uganda.
Here’s a glimpse of remote mission outreaches from Naboth & Alice:
Please PRAY for Naboth & Alice and their ministry outreaches and village churches!
For more about Harvest Ministry’s N.E.T.S. Outreach – click here.
For more about N.E.T.S. Ministers, Naboth & Alice – click here.
N.E.T.S. News – from Naboth & Alice
January – February – March, 2009
N.E.T.S. Minister Naboth, and his wife Alice (from Mbarara, Uganda – in East Africa) have had some exciting mission reports to share. Recently, they held village evangelistic outreaches in two locations (including a mission crusade in Keisho, Tanzania where approximately 1000 people heard the Gospel and hundreds prayed to surrender their lives to Jesus). As they prayed for the sick, several people testified of healing, including one woman who had been blind.
At Guma Na Yesu Children’s Center in Mbarara, Uganda (where over 700 orphan children are being trained and cared for, supported by Harvest Ministry), workers are currently plastering the new Guma Na Yesu school building, and soon the children will be settled in that location.
Prayer Request: Please pray for the brand-new believers who came to the Lord during Naboth’s recent mission outreaches, and also for the leaders and orphan children at Guma Na Yesu Children’s Center, during this school construction and transition time.
Equipping Nationals: Motorcycles for INDIA!!!
Pictured (from left to right) are N.E.T.S. Ministers: Rajkumar, John, and Paul.
N.E.T.S. News:
We’re praising God for His generous supply for the work of the ministry, and specifically for providing the resources for 3 new motorcycles for all 3 PROJECT INDIA “N.E.T.S.” Ministers. “N.E.T.S.” (National Evangelism Team Support) is a mission outreach of Harvest Ministry. It’s an honor to partner together with national missionaries (evangelists and pastors) to help expand God’s Kingdom. These motorcycles will help these men of God to more effectively reach out and travel to remote villages and new areas to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Special THANKS to East Olympia Community Church, in Olympia, Washington!
For more about Project INDIA’s VISION – click here.
For introductions to Project INDIA’S “N.E.T.S.” Ministers – click here.
Equipping Nationals in Africa and Asia
“N.E.T.S” – National Evangelism Team Support:
It is an honor and a blessing to work alongside anointed national ministers to more effectively reach the lost with the Good News of Jesus. Currently, Harvest Ministry is partnering together with these N.E.T.S. Ministry Teams (led by these anointed men of God, their wonderful wives, and assisted by many ministry co-workers), in Africa and Asia.
For an introduction to Harvest Ministry’s “N.E.T.S.” Ministry, click here.
N.E.T.S. Ministers:
N.E.T.S. Ministers Naboth & Alice
Mbarara, UgandaFocusing on Church Planting and Overseeing, Pastoring,
Village Evangelism, and Orphan Ministry (Guma Na Yesu).
More about Naboth & Alice
N.E.T.S. Ministers Joseph & Margret
Bwera, UgandaFocusing on remote Evangelism in the Rwenzori mountains
Village Church Planting, and Care for Pastors
More about Joseph & Margret
N.E.T.S. Ministers Paul & Juliet
Masaka & Kampala, UgandaFocusing on City-Wide Outreach Preparation,
Evangelism, Prayer, and Organization
More about Paul & Juliet
N.E.T.S. Minister: Haron Adrian
AsiaFocusing on remote village evangelism and church planting throughout the Himalayas
More about Haron Adrian
N.E.T.S. News from Paul & Juliet
January – February – March, 2009
Paul Kintu is our primary advance coordinator for Harvest Ministry’s city-wide Africa outreaches. Before each crusade, Paul travels to the area to meet with government officials and any local church leaders. Just recently, Paul returned from Apac, in Northern Uganda, where he arranged details for the upcoming April outreach. In February, Paul also ministered and encouraged believers in several churches (in Masaka, Bussi, and Gombe).
Paul and Juliet are active in ministy, in both churches and evangelistic outreaches, in both Masaka, Uganda, and Kampala.
Prayer Request: Paul requests specific prayer for direction for 2009. Let’s pray for God’s vision and ministry effectiveness. Juliet also needs prayer for physical health and strength.
Meet Haron Adrian: NETS Minister from Asia
Meet Haron Adrian: Harvest Ministry’s newest NETS minister
Haron Adrian is a national evangelist with a passion for the lost and unreached villages. He ministers throughout the Himalayan mountains, preaching the Gospel, baptizing new believers, pioneering churches and equipping national pastors. Haran directs a ministry called Reach Himalayas. It is an honor to be partnering with Him to proclaim the Good News of God’s salvation to people who need to hear.
Exciting highlights in recent months have included preaching the Gospel to hundreds of unreached people and conducting a VBS (Vacation Bible School) for children in 20 villages throughout the Himalayan mountains.
Please keep Haron and his ministry in your prayers.