Your Search: Guma Na Yesu Primary School

The need and the vision . . . In Southern Uganda – our dear longtime friends, Naboth and Alice, have been helping over 700 needy orphan children. This African couple haven’t had much to work with, but they’ve been doing everything possible to extend the love of Jesus. Because of this need, and our long-time […]

God’s compassion is nothing to fear; it’s compelling and exciting. If God “moves” your heart with compassion in regards to a specific need, rest assured that He will provide all that is needed (in finances, wisdom, and connections) to do all that He’s called you to do! Audio #2 – COMPASSION The second audio in […]

At Harvest Ministry’s Guma Na Yesu “Keep With Jesus” Children’s Center, in Mbarara, Uganda, there are so many orphan children. Currently, Harvest Ministry is providing care for over 1000 children: 530 children in our Adullam Primary school (Preschool and elementary — Baby Class through Primary 7), 170 children in our new Kingdom Vocational Secondary School […]

Could you imagine putting your child to “bed” each night, on a dirt or cement floor, with no mattress or even a decent warm blanket? For many precious children, orphaned, and/or in poverty, this is daily reality. At Harvest Ministry’s GUMA NA YESU (“Keep With Jesus”) Children’s Center in Mbarara, Uganda, there was a HUGE […]

An Urgent Need for Water . . . We are thrilled to share an exciting report of God’s provision! Recently, Harvest Ministry had an urgent need for a large water tank at Guma Na Yesu Children’s Center. The cost for this orphan need was nearly $3,000 (above and beyond Harvest Ministry’s monthly orphanage commitment). This […]

Praising God for His Provision We’re so thankful to be able to share an AWESOME report of God’s provision for much needed renovations (building maintenance, painting, roof repairs) along with a retaining wall to keep flood waters away from the school buildings and living areas. Thank you for caring for these precious children!

Group Pictures: Primary Kids @ “Guma Na Yesu” We just received some new group photos from the primary school at Guma Na Yesu Children’s Center. It’s challenging to get a picture with so many kids at once. These are the younger children. The older children are at the Secondary School (a few miles away). Non-teaching […]

Goal Progress for Pillows & Power: 100% Exciting News: PHASE 1 of this GOAL is COMPLETE!!! PHASE 2 of this GOAL is COMPLETE!!! We now have POWER at Guma-Na-Yesu! WooHoo!!! Glory to God! Thank you to everyone who gave and prayed! PHASE 1: We are excited to report that Harvest Ministry has received enough special […]

January – February – March, 2009 N.E.T.S. Minister Naboth, and his wife Alice (from Mbarara, Uganda – in East Africa) have had some exciting mission reports to share. Recently, they held village evangelistic outreaches in two locations (including a mission crusade in Keisho, Tanzania where approximately 1000 people heard the Gospel and hundreds prayed to […]

We’re so THANKFUL to God (and to everyone who helped) for providing PILLOWS for all of the children at Guma-Na-Yesu “Keep With Jesus” Children’s Center. Just look at the faces of the kids and the JOY this gift brought to their hearts. What a blessing! Jesus loves the little children . . . Each one […]