GUMA NA YESU Children “Keep with Jesus!”
The need and the vision . . .
In Southern Uganda – our dear longtime friends, Naboth and Alice, have been helping over 700 needy orphan children. This African couple haven’t had much to work with, but they’ve been doing everything possible to extend the love of Jesus. Because of this need, and our long-time ministry relationship with Naboth and Alice, Harvest Ministry has decided to focus orphan efforts towards these precious kids at GUMA NA YESU Children’s Center.
A few Guma Na Yesu children:
1 Startling Orphan Statistic:
Every 2.2 seconds, another orphan ages out of an international orphan facility, with no family and no home. Older orphans are vulnerable . . . to abuse, suicide, prostitution, slavery, becoming child soldiers, and immorality (and as a result, they become most vulnerable to AIDS and disease). Yet, as orphans are rescued, saved by Jesus Christ, and brought into God’s Kingdom, the enemy’s plans are thwarted: instead, these older orphans can live happy, productive, lives and help to advance God’s cause and mission purposes.1 Special Highlight @ GUMA NA YESU Children’s Center:
At Guma, each of the children and teenagers are connected with a caring Christian family and a local church (who they live with during holidays). The children are educated in academics, and they are trained in the Word of God, with daily worship, fervent prayer, and opportunities for ministry (including dance performance, special music, preaching, and prayer for others). Over the years, we have had opportunities to spend time with Jennifer, and she growing into a beautiful young woman with such a heart of service to the Lord. Please do keep her and all the children at Guma in your prayers.
To remember this African word (from the Runyankole language), just think of the word “GUM” . . . and imagine chewing a sweet, delicious, sticky wad of GUM . . . and to keep chewing it for a long, long time. The name of this new orphanage project is Guma Na Yesu (pronounced “Goom-uh nuh Yay-soo”) – which means “Keep with Jesus!”
The long-term vision is to care for hundreds of orphan children through the support network of a strong Christian church and caring Ugandan families.
The vision is to build a Guma Na Yesu Children’s Center – with a free orphan school, basic provisions (of food, clothing, and educational supplies), and a family support base – to enable hundreds of orphans to be adopted into Christian families. Our prayer is for each of these orphan children to “keep” with Jesus for their entire lives! The heart of this orphan project is to train children to be mighty in God’s Word and to experience a life of knowing God personally – so they can fulfill God’s purpose. These children experience the presence of God daily – through prayer, child-led preaching, and through fervent worship and dancing. These children love Jesus, and their heavenly Father loves them.
Who we are . . .
N.E.T.S. Ministers, Naboth & Alice
Directors of Guma Na Yesu Children’s CenterThe Lord is just begining to give a new vision for Guma Na Yesu and through His wisdom and direction, He’s showing us how the needs of these children can be met. This orphan ministry is founded and directed by African ministers, Naboth and Alice of Southern Uganda, and now supported and overseen by Jon & Ann Dunagan of Harvest Ministry. The vision for Guma Na Yesu is for it to be nationally-led by Ugandan ministers, teachers, and church families — under the blessing and direction of JESUS and the authority of God’s Word.
Where we’re located . . .
This African orphan ministry is being built in Mbarara, Uganda. It’s a needy area, with many orphans. Guma Na Yesu Children’s Center is currently under construction – on a hilltop property near one of Naboth’s new church facilities – directly above a Ugandan military base.
Prayer Focus: Please pray with us for God’s abundant provision for the orphan children of Guma Na Yesu Children’s Center. And if you want to help, do let us know. Also, we would really appreciate your prayers for God’s wisdom concerning the future of this orphan project, and what Harvest Ministry’s long-term involvement should be.
Kid Orphan Sponsor Featured on TV News
KELOLife Television in Aberdeen, South Dakota ran a feature about one of Harvest Ministry’s sponsors, an energetic 10-year-old, named Ethan, who’s been selling lemonade (for three years!!!) to support his orphan friend, Allan, in Uganda. Ethan really takes his sponsorship commitment seriously!
It was a sweet news clip . . . and a blessing!
Lemonade for an Orphan Friend!
Please keep Harvest Ministry and all of our orphan children in your thoughts and prayers.
P.S. Ethan was inwardly “moved with compassion” with a specific burden on his heart; he felt that if he didn’t raise that last $4, his orphan friend would “die.” We’re all so inspired by Ethan’s commitment; but be assured that if any of our sponsors are unable to meet their commitment (of $1/day), we’ll simply trust God together for His provision!!! Amen???
Mission Outreach to APAC, UGANDA
April 13th to 21st, 2009 – Harvest Ministry just returned from an exciting time of mission evangelism in Northern Uganda, East Africa, in an area called “APAC” (which sounds like “a-patch”). Approximately 13,000 people heard the GOOD NEWS of JESUS, and over a thousand people surrendered their lives to the Lord.
Background . . .
This isolated district has been a center for the LRA (Lord’s Resistance Army) Ugandan rebels and riddled with civil war and horrible human rights violations (slavery, abduction of children, forced child soldiers, prostitution, and other abuses). It’s a place that needs JESUS!
April 17th – Current Update & Report from Apac:
The land and spiritual condition in this Apac district is extremely dry, but God is beginning to move and to pour out His Spirit. This morning, there was a minister’s meeting where many national pastors and leaders repented before God of division between the churches. And right after the announcement of this week’s upcoming meetings, there was a physical torrential downpour of rain. We’re praying that God will continue to pour out His presence, open the eyes of these precious people who need Him so desperately, and draw SOULS into His kingdom through the Gospel message – God’s Good News of salvation from sin through the cross of Jesus Christ.
April 18th – Thunder, Lightning, and SOULS!!!In response, Jon says, “I love my job!!”
Later he said, “It’s still pouring rain! And it’s so much fun preaching with thunder, lighting, rain, and flooding. It makes me feel like Elijah. And it feels like God is in our midst!”
Please continue to pray!
April 19 – Lunch anyone? How ’bout some GOAT GUTS and ANTS??The city-wide Apac outreach began with approximately 4,000 people in attendance. Already, hundreds of people have surrendered their lives to Jesus Christ and have prayed to receive God’s salvation . . . in the midst of torrential rain during the preaching. There were also 13 cases of violent demon possession “stacked on the platform.” Everyone was soaked, with mud and water everywhere.
Jon says, “Long Ugandan church services this morning. For lunch: rice, beans, goat guts, and a paste made of sesame seeds and smashed ANTS . . . nice!!!”
The final night outreach in Apac will start soon.
Thanks for your prayers!
April 20th – Such JOY!!!The final night in Apac concluded with “TOO MUCH JOY!!!” Over the three nights, approximately 13,000 people heard the Gospel message (combined total attendance) and approximately 1,200 individuals prayed to receive God’s salvation through the cross of Jesus Christ. There were many people set free of demonic activity, and many who were touched by the Lord. We thank everyone who has been prayed!
Please Keep Praying:
Continue to pray for all of these new converts, and for the local pastors and church leaders to welcome and to teach and to disciple these young believers. Also, be continuing to pray for safety and strength for Jon and the team as they begin the long journey back to Kampala, Uganda . . . and then home.
These rebels operate under a spiritual mixture of “so-called” Christianity, combined with Islam, witchcraft, sorcery, and tribal animism. This area is so remote, we can’t access it through M.A.F (Missionary Aviation Fellowship). Instead, our team plans to drive in, with all of our evangelistic equipment, for a large city-wide outreach to boldly proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Harvest Ministry’s advance team (led by NETS Minister, Paul Kintu), just returned from securing local government permission for this outreach, along with cooperation and prayer support of the few local churches. There are many people in this area who desperately need God’s salvation and deliverance, and Jon is excited to GO!
Jon will also be ministering at Harvest Ministry’s Osanidde Village Orphanage on Bussi Island, and he looks forward to spending time with the children and encouraging the leaders.
Prayer Request: Please pray with us for provision and direction for this upcoming mission, for God to prepare the hearts of people in Apac, and for SOULS to be won to Christ!!!
500 New Mattresses for Orphan Kids!!!
Could you imagine putting your child to “bed” each night, on a dirt or cement floor, with no mattress or even a decent warm blanket? For many precious children, orphaned, and/or in poverty, this is daily reality.
At Harvest Ministry’s GUMA NA YESU (“Keep With Jesus”) Children’s Center in Mbarara, Uganda, there was a HUGE need for bedding for all of the children . . . and God abundantly provided with designated mission gifts for 500 new mattresses.
Our prayer and focus for our GUMA NA YESU children is that they will “keep with Jesus” all the days of their lives, and now as they sleep, they will be reminded (in this small way) of God’s GREAT love for them.
GUMA Directors (and NETS Ministers) Naboth & Alice, were absolutely delighted with what they called the “MIRACLE at GUMA.” Now we are believing God for blankets (at $5/each) for all of the children, and possibly sheets and pillows.
(And one little preschool girl in Oregon, named Olivia, has added her own precious prayer, that God will also help to provide “teddy bears” for these kids!!!)
We thank everyone who GAVE and who PRAYED for this need.
May God bless you for your heart for these children.
A Special Day with the Children
Jon just returned from a wonderful time with the kids at Harvest Ministry’s orphanage. We had a special “SPORTS DAY” to celebrate the end of the school term, with all kinds of races, cultural contests, singing, and dancing. This 4-minute video includes special praise reports about two special kids: Justine & Eliman. Justine is now excelling at KING’S COLLEGE; she ranks in the top academic percentile in the nation; and in this exclusive secondary school, she ranks #5 out of all of these top 77 students which is a huge “boost” to all of the children and to our school and teachers!. Eliman recently had surgery on his CLUB FOOT – He used to be called the little “lame boy” but now he can walk and RUN! Praise Jesus! God has a huge love for orphans, and so do we!
Thank you for loving these precious children! Please keep everyone in your prayers!
Closets, Clutter, & God’s Great Commission
Amid twisted hangers, bulging drawers, and way too many clothes, the kids and I began our major closet-cleaning attack. It took days–with sacks for the dumpster and sacks to give away…
We’re Blessed to be a Blessing!
This is one of several devotionals by Ann Dunagan, published in A Cup of Comfort Devotional for Mothers – Daily Inspiration for Christian Moms, edited by James Stuart Bell and Jeanette Gardner Littleton.
“I was naked, and you gave me clothing…” Matthew 25:36
Amid twisted hangers, bulging drawers, and way too many clothes, the kids and I began our major closet-cleaning attack. It took days–with sacks for the dumpster and sacks to give away. Best of all, we finished just in time before I left on a short-term missions trip to Uganda.Soon I was surrounded by orphans adorned in only rags and ripped-up shirts, and often with bare bottoms. I thought of these precious children and my family’s ridiculous “conquered” closets.
Then I felt the Lord whisper, “I am the One naked on these streets!”
Immediately, I went and bought armloads of children’s clothing, but the situation turned pathetic. Mothers came from everywhere, holding up naked babies and begging for help. The need was beyond me.
Back home, our family raised funds to clothe that whole village, but that was only the beginning. In that year, the Lord put in our heart for Harvest Ministry to establish a new orphan ministry, now reaching hundreds of precious children.
The world’s needs are huge, but they’re not beyond God!
Let’s show our kids that we’re blessed so we can be a blessing to others!
Hardcover – Available from
N.E.T.S. News – from Naboth & Alice
January – February – March, 2009
N.E.T.S. Minister Naboth, and his wife Alice (from Mbarara, Uganda – in East Africa) have had some exciting mission reports to share. Recently, they held village evangelistic outreaches in two locations (including a mission crusade in Keisho, Tanzania where approximately 1000 people heard the Gospel and hundreds prayed to surrender their lives to Jesus). As they prayed for the sick, several people testified of healing, including one woman who had been blind.
At Guma Na Yesu Children’s Center in Mbarara, Uganda (where over 700 orphan children are being trained and cared for, supported by Harvest Ministry), workers are currently plastering the new Guma Na Yesu school building, and soon the children will be settled in that location.
Prayer Request: Please pray for the brand-new believers who came to the Lord during Naboth’s recent mission outreaches, and also for the leaders and orphan children at Guma Na Yesu Children’s Center, during this school construction and transition time.
AASHA Children’s Home: Loving Orphans in Asia
Josh & Anna’s adventures in INDIA . . .
Learn more about Aasha Children’s Home — led by newlyweds Josh & Anna Dunagan. It’s now a new mission called GOSPEL PROJECTS INTERNATIONAL!!! The focus of the ministry is remote village evangelism and orphan care. Come take a look . . . (and keep Josh & Anna in your prayer as they launch out in full-time ministry).
Meet Gloria at Guma Na Yesu!
Why Care For Orphans?
(Q & A from our Mission-Minded Families podcast with Ann Dunagan — 8 minutes)
Jesus never fails!
(Please keep Gloria and all of the children at Guma Na Yesu – Keep With Jesus – Children’s Center – in UGANDA, EAST AFRICA – in your prayers. Thank you for CARING & for LOVING ORPHANS!)