Your Search: Adventure & Missions Evangelism

It was a thrilling opportunity to preach the Gospel over the course of the recent SE African mission outreach to a total combined attendance of over 21,000 people, in Swaziland and Mozambique. Raiders of the Lost January, 2009 Jon Dunagan and our 20-year-old son Josh, just returned home from exciting mission outreach to Mozambique and […]

Jon Dunagan shares an AFRICA MISSIONS update from Harvest Ministry’s recent evangelistic outreach to Bukwo, Uganda – April, 2010. Hear the details about an exciting dream, God’s timely provision, dangerous mountain-cliffs, an unexpected delay, and many front-line praise reports about MINISTRY, LOVING ORPHANS, and REAPING SOULS . . . fresh from the HARVEST FIELDS!!! LISTEN […]

Kagadi, Uganda Right now, Harvest Ministry is getting ready for our next evangelistic outreach (in early October, 2010) to KAGADI, a remote and spiritually needy city/village in Western Uganda, near the Democratic Republic of the Congo. This area has a reputation throughout Uganda for being involved in deep witchcraft and for continuing to practice […]

Our recent Harvest Ministry outreach to Lwakhakha, Uganda – on the Kenya border – was so exciting! The Lord moved mightily as this remote and predominantly-Muslim area was “shaken” for Jesus Christ! Five small local churches gathered together for this first ever open-air Gospel outreach in Lwakhakha – with worship, dancing, prayer, and preaching of […]

April 13th to 21st, 2009 – Harvest Ministry just returned from an exciting time of mission evangelism in Northern Uganda, East Africa, in an area called “APAC” (which sounds like “a-patch”). Approximately 13,000 people heard the GOOD NEWS of JESUS, and over a thousand people surrendered their lives to the Lord. Background . . . […]

This month, Josh & Anna Dunagan are launching out as a NEW MISSIONS outreach. They’re only 23 years old, and they’ve only been married for one year. But what a year it’s been!!! Introducing . . . Gospel Projects International Shortly after their wedding, Josh & Anna stepped out into missions by helping to meet […]

Throughout the years, our family’s international travels have led to amusing encounters, humorous misunderstandings, and hilarious adventures. When we have an opportunity to share about world missions (especially when we’re talking with kids and teenagers) we often enjoy sharing a few of our funny missions stories or exciting adventures. Being mission-minded is not boring! Machu […]

Today, Josh & Anna Dunagan are flying to COSTA RICA on an exciting new mission adventure . . . to share the love of Jesus in Central America! This past year, Josh & Anna started a children’s home in India, launched a remote Bible school, and began supporting four full-time national ministers. Now, they’re branching […]

GOD’S PASSION! Welcome to DAY 4 of the 40-Day Mission-Minded FAMILY CHALLENGE! Today’s 5-minute focus will encourage you to love God and to love others, and specifically to love others who don’t yet know the Lord. Jesus Christ is the ONLY WAY to heaven, and we need to share this news with others. And we […]

We have some exciting news this month from Harvest Ministry’s NETS (National Evangelism Team Support) outreach! Evangelist and church-planter, Joseph Baluku (of Bwera, Uganda – East Africa) was able to get a complete new sound system which he can use for outreaches and sharing the Good News of Jesus. For an introduction to Harvest Ministry’s […]