The primary focus of Harvest Ministry is proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ, especially in remote secondary cities
. . . wherever the harvest is most ripe . . . and wherever the Lord leads.![]()
City-Wide Events:
After months of prayer and preparation, typical city-wide evangelistic outreaches (approximately one week long) include:
- Open-air evangelistic preaching in stadiums or parks
- Special music, featuring local Christian choirs
- Altar calls for salvation, deliverance, and healing
- Daily Bible training seminars for national pastors and local church leaders
- Showing the JESUS film in a local national language (whenever possible, usually depending on government permission).
Vibrant Worship & Evangelistic Preaching:
Each night, following music ministry by local choirs, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is preached with power. One unique aspect of every Harvest Ministry outreach is that the main preaching is always co-shared with a national minister. We have found this to be very effective in sharing the Gospel cross-culturally. After the preaching, there is usually prayer for people who are sick and for those in need deliverance, and altar calls for those who want to surrender their lives to the Lord.
Teaching & Training:
Christian teaching seminars for pastors and believers (and at times, special seminars for women, children, and youth) are often held during the daytime of an outreach to encourage and train the local believers. These are usually taught by visiting international ministers.
The JESUS Film:
The JESUS Film (produced by Campus Crusade for Christ) is a powerful tool for ministry and evangelism, and this film is currently available in approximately 1,000 languages. Usually, at the conclusion of each evening meeting, we show a section of this film in a local language. Many times, this story of Jesus’ life — taken from the Gospel of Luke — is so moving to the local people that they wail loudly during the crucifixion scene and scream for joy at the resurrection!
“. . . but, what about follow-up?”
Preserving the Harvest:
Obviously, following Jesus Christ is more than a momentary “decision”; living as an effective mission-minded Christian is a whole new life of surrendering to God’s ways and growing, day-by-day in our relationship with Him. However, just as every physical life must begin with a moment of PHYSICAL BIRTH (and there are medical doctors and midwives who provide specialized care for the birth process), so also every spiritual life must begin with a moment of “NEW BIRTH” (and God calls some in ministry to do the work of an evangelist and to focus on soulwinning).
Harvest Ministry is specifically called to evangelism. Our focus is preaching the Gospel to the lost and leading people to surrender their lives to Jesus Christ. After a typical outreach, national ministers and local believers help to follow-up on these new converts. Whenever possible, Harvest Ministry distributes Bibles, and often water baptism services and new-believer discipleship classes are conducted by local pastors. As a direct result of this ministry follow-up, over 400 indigenous churches have been planted in remote areas.
NOTE: For current news and updates about Harvest Ministry’s International Outreaches, see LATEST MISSION NEWS.