A Glimpse of Josh & Anna’s Adventures in Asia!!!
Joshua & Anna Dunagan have only been married four months, yet they’ve already had many adventures of a lifetime: preaching in remote unreached villages, launching an orphan ministry – “Aasha (Hope) Children’s Home,” ministering with wonderful national pastors in isolated churches, and experiencing the JOY of evangelism.
Here’s just a glimpse . . .
ABOVE: Josh & Anna with NETS Minister, Paul Sundersinghbabu & his wife Krishna, who worked very hard, and prayed even harder for this mission outreach to be so productive for God’s Kingdom. GOD BLESS YOU, Paul & Krishna!
BELOW: See the 10 children at Gospel Projects International new “Aasha (Hope) Children’s Home”
For more about Josh & Anna’s vision, see Gospel Projects International
Mozambique & Swaziland, SE Africa
It was a thrilling opportunity to preach the Gospel over the course of the recent SE African mission outreach to a total combined attendance of over 21,000 people, in Swaziland and Mozambique.
Raiders of the Lost
January, 2009
Jon Dunagan and our 20-year-old son Josh, just returned home from exciting mission outreach to Mozambique and Swaziland, in SE Africa.
Together with NETS ministers and our Harvest Ministry team, Jon and Josh had the thrilling adventure of proclaiming the awesome news of Jesus Christ to a combined total attendance of over 21,000 people. Over the course of the mission outreach (with two city-wide evangelistic events in Mozambique and Swaziland, and five church services, plus one-on-one witnessing opportunities during a brief layovers in South Africa and Senegal), approximately 1,100 individuals prayed to surrender their lives to the Lord . . . with deep repentance.
Currently, local churches are working on follow-up, and getting these new believers established into local churches. Please keep these countries, and these new Christians in your prayers.
P.S. For fun, we threw in a few “Indiana Jones” photos. In South Africa, Jon got a new explorer hat . . . and combined with his trusty leather jacket (which he’s worn ALL over the world) he looked like quite a character.
We praise God for the opportunity to share His Good News and to be “raiders of the lost” for the kingdom of heaven. Thanks for praying for us!
Jon Dunagan shares an AFRICA MISSIONS update from Harvest Ministry’s recent evangelistic outreach to Bukwo, Uganda – April, 2010.Hear the details about an exciting dream, God’s timely provision, dangerous mountain-cliffs, an unexpected delay, and many front-line praise reports about MINISTRY, LOVING ORPHANS, and REAPING SOULS . . . fresh from the HARVEST FIELDS!!!
- Audio only
- Time Length: 20 minutes.
- Recorded at the Dunagan’s home church in Hood River, Oregon.
Preparation for KAGADI, UGANDA!
Kagadi, Uganda
Right now, Harvest Ministry is getting ready for our next evangelistic outreach (in early October, 2010) to KAGADI, a remote and spiritually needy city/village in Western Uganda, near the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
This area has a reputation throughout Uganda for being involved in deep witchcraft and for continuing to practice human cannibalism. Kagadi has a few small and isolated churches and some local believers who are praying hard for their community, but as far as we know, it has never had an evangelistic outreach to openly proclaim the Gospel message of Jesus Christ. It is a region desperately in need of God’s salvation and the power of His Holy Spirit to penetrate the darkness.
Advance preparations, advertising, and government permissions have been underway for some time, and we are believing for a mighty harvest of SOULS.
Our greatest need for this upcoming mission outreach is POWER, spiritually and physically: we need fervent PRAYER support for God’s anointing and for spiritual freedom for theses people…and we also need a new GENERATOR (as our faithful and hard-working old generator finally “bit the dust” after years of rugged missionary service).
Photo: Harvest Ministry altar call in Southern Africa (with Jon Dunagan)What an exciting time!
Please keep our family and the city of KAGADI in your prayers, as we ALL joyfully live to expand God’s Kingdom!
In His Harvest,
Jon & Ann Dunagan (& all)
“Sympathy is no substitute for action.” — David Livingstone
“Expect great things of God. Attempt great things for God.” — William Carey
“You have one mission on earth — to save souls.” — John Wesley
“Go into all the world and preach the Gospel…” — Jesus Christ
Be sure to also see:
>> KAGADI: Day-by-day Kagadi updates & photos
>> KAGADI: God’s Protection During Flight Emergency
>> KAGADI: 4-minute MISSION VIDEO from KAGADI, Uganda
Lwakhakha HARVEST! – mission video
Our recent Harvest Ministry outreach to Lwakhakha, Uganda – on the Kenya border – was so exciting! The Lord moved mightily as this remote and predominantly-Muslim area was “shaken” for Jesus Christ!
Five small local churches gathered together for this first ever open-air Gospel outreach in Lwakhakha – with worship, dancing, prayer, and preaching of the Gospel. During the daytime, hundreds of local believers gathered together (with NETS Ministers Naboth, Paul, and Joseph) for a local believers training, and in the evening approximately 5,000 people a night gathered in this isolated area (standing 360 – all around the platform!!!) to hear the Gospel message of Jesus Christ. Multitudes listened intently and many (approximately 1,800 precious people, over the course of the evangelistic outreach) turned from their sins and surrendered their lives to the Lord. On one evening, lightning and wind came just after the altar call – It was awesome!
These people definitely need our continued prayer support, as the Christian persecution and opposition many will face (especially newly saved wives) in this Muslim area may be great. Please pray for the five hard-working local pastors, and for the local Christian leaders, as they are beginning to follow-up on these new believers.
Thank you for your prayers, your heart for world missions, and for standing with us at Harvest Ministry to REACH SOULS for Jesus Christ. To God be the GLORY!!!
Mission Outreach to APAC, UGANDA
April 13th to 21st, 2009 – Harvest Ministry just returned from an exciting time of mission evangelism in Northern Uganda, East Africa, in an area called “APAC” (which sounds like “a-patch”). Approximately 13,000 people heard the GOOD NEWS of JESUS, and over a thousand people surrendered their lives to the Lord.
Background . . .
This isolated district has been a center for the LRA (Lord’s Resistance Army) Ugandan rebels and riddled with civil war and horrible human rights violations (slavery, abduction of children, forced child soldiers, prostitution, and other abuses). It’s a place that needs JESUS!
April 17th – Current Update & Report from Apac:
The land and spiritual condition in this Apac district is extremely dry, but God is beginning to move and to pour out His Spirit. This morning, there was a minister’s meeting where many national pastors and leaders repented before God of division between the churches. And right after the announcement of this week’s upcoming meetings, there was a physical torrential downpour of rain. We’re praying that God will continue to pour out His presence, open the eyes of these precious people who need Him so desperately, and draw SOULS into His kingdom through the Gospel message – God’s Good News of salvation from sin through the cross of Jesus Christ.
April 18th – Thunder, Lightning, and SOULS!!!In response, Jon says, “I love my job!!”
Later he said, “It’s still pouring rain! And it’s so much fun preaching with thunder, lighting, rain, and flooding. It makes me feel like Elijah. And it feels like God is in our midst!”
Please continue to pray!
April 19 – Lunch anyone? How ’bout some GOAT GUTS and ANTS??The city-wide Apac outreach began with approximately 4,000 people in attendance. Already, hundreds of people have surrendered their lives to Jesus Christ and have prayed to receive God’s salvation . . . in the midst of torrential rain during the preaching. There were also 13 cases of violent demon possession “stacked on the platform.” Everyone was soaked, with mud and water everywhere.
Jon says, “Long Ugandan church services this morning. For lunch: rice, beans, goat guts, and a paste made of sesame seeds and smashed ANTS . . . nice!!!”
The final night outreach in Apac will start soon.
Thanks for your prayers!
April 20th – Such JOY!!!The final night in Apac concluded with “TOO MUCH JOY!!!” Over the three nights, approximately 13,000 people heard the Gospel message (combined total attendance) and approximately 1,200 individuals prayed to receive God’s salvation through the cross of Jesus Christ. There were many people set free of demonic activity, and many who were touched by the Lord. We thank everyone who has been prayed!
Please Keep Praying:
Continue to pray for all of these new converts, and for the local pastors and church leaders to welcome and to teach and to disciple these young believers. Also, be continuing to pray for safety and strength for Jon and the team as they begin the long journey back to Kampala, Uganda . . . and then home.
These rebels operate under a spiritual mixture of “so-called” Christianity, combined with Islam, witchcraft, sorcery, and tribal animism. This area is so remote, we can’t access it through M.A.F (Missionary Aviation Fellowship). Instead, our team plans to drive in, with all of our evangelistic equipment, for a large city-wide outreach to boldly proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Harvest Ministry’s advance team (led by NETS Minister, Paul Kintu), just returned from securing local government permission for this outreach, along with cooperation and prayer support of the few local churches. There are many people in this area who desperately need God’s salvation and deliverance, and Jon is excited to GO!
Jon will also be ministering at Harvest Ministry’s Osanidde Village Orphanage on Bussi Island, and he looks forward to spending time with the children and encouraging the leaders.
Prayer Request: Please pray with us for provision and direction for this upcoming mission, for God to prepare the hearts of people in Apac, and for SOULS to be won to Christ!!!
“Gospel Projects International”
This month, Josh & Anna Dunagan are launching out as a NEW MISSIONS outreach.
They’re only 23 years old, and they’ve only been married for one year.
But what a year it’s been!!!
Introducing . . . Gospel Projects International
Shortly after their wedding, Josh & Anna stepped out into missions by helping to meet spiritual and physical needs in Asia. They started a small children’s home (now caring for 23 orphan children, called “Aasha – HOPE – Children’s Home”), and began to partner with national ministers. They founded a new Bible school (now training over twenty national village pastors), and they’re working together in ministry with four full-time national evangelist/pastors. They’ve been having a great time ministering, both overseas and in the United States (in churches, on the streets, and leading local community outreaches).
Their heart for the Lord, and their love for others is awesome. As we’ve seen all that God has done through their obedience, it’s been an inspiration to us . . . and a blessing to many!
We’re so proud of them both, and we’re all giving God the GLORY for the wonderful reports of their first year of newlywed life . . . and of ministry!!!
Come take a look at their brand-new website: Gospel Projects International
Sharing the LOVE of Jesus . . . in Costa Rica!
Today, Josh & Anna Dunagan are flying to COSTA RICA on an exciting new mission adventure . . . to share the love of Jesus in Central America!
This past year, Josh & Anna started a children’s home in India, launched a remote Bible school, and began supporting four full-time national ministers. Now, they’re branching out into new countries and with increased vision to expand the Kingdom of God and to bring light into dark areas. And just recently (in January, 2012), these awesome young mission-minded newlyweds launched out from Harvest Ministry to establish a new mission called GOSPEL PROJECTS INTERNATIONAL.
Mission to Costa Rica – in Central America
On this mission in Costa Rica, Josh & Anna will minister to people on the streets and distribute Bibles door-to-door (working with our missionary friends Steve & Elizabeth Gilroy). As they were getting ready to go, Anna wrote:
As we prepare to leave for our trip to Costa Rica, we are so excited to see how the Lord will use us to minister to the lost and hurting and most of all, win souls for the Kingdom of God! Please keep us in your prayers, we will be meeting up with a missionary family in Costa Rica to: help with a Bible distribution program and minister to ladies who have been trapped in prostitution and human trafficking.
Please keep them in prayer!
You can read more about Josh & Anna’s mission to Costa Rica – – – > >
on their recent GPI news update.
August 2009 – Harvest Ministry conducted a city-wide missions outreach in LWAKHAHA, Uganda. This Uganda/Kenya border town has been rampant with prostitution and AIDS. People there have been desperately in need of Jesus. Jon Dunagan preached and ministered together with all of Harvest Ministry’s African N.E.T.S. ministers.
Please be interceding with us for God’s Holy Spirit to be moving and stirring in the hearts of the people in Lwakhakha. We’re believing for many people to come face-to-face with the reality of God, and to be moved to repentance from their sin. May God be glorified in all that we do.
Specific prayer needs:
- Pray for the local pastors and Christian leaders as they are preparing for the outreach
- Pray for God’s provision for Jon’s airfare & traveling expenses to Uganda
- Pray for effective outreach advertising (flyers, word of mouth, and promotion)
- Pray for effective advance work (led by N.E.T.S. minister, Paul Kintu – coordinating prayer, ushers, follow-up – and Geoffry – coordinating local music and worship)
- Pray for safe transportation of the ministry equipment and team to Lwakhakha
- Pray for provision for food and lodging for the whole team throughout the outreach
- Pray for support and wisdom for the technician team, as they take care of details
Jon Dunagan will also be ministering at Harvest Ministry’s orphanage, and they look forward to the time together with our wonderful extended “family” on the island. Please be praying with us for this entire mission outreach, for all of these people, and for these needs!
Costa Rica: Exciting Mission Team Update!
Right now, Josh & Anna Dunagan, directors of Gospel Projects International, are leading a mission team to Costa Rica, Central America, from our family’s home church, Covenant Hood River, in Oregon. The team is meeting up with missionaries at a Youth With a Mission base and throughout the outreach, they will be ministering San Jose and Orosi.
Newest Update from the Team:
Mission Report from Costa Rica:
We are all doing great and we have been having some wonderful times of ministry.
Yesterday we ministered at a home for underaged motherers and their children (some of the mothers were only 14 years old) and today we visited an orphanage for disabled and abandoned children. Also, at night the women have been downtown in San Jose ministering to the prostitutes.
All is well and our team is challenged by the needs we see. Tomorrow we will be going to the small village of Orosi to begin our Bible distribution project. Thanks for your prayers and support. We look forward to sharing a good report of what God is doing when we get home next week.
Left: “Here’s a photo of one of our outreaches. It was so great. We have been amazed with what GOD is doing the first two days. It seems like we have been here for a week already. We go tonight to bless the ladies [prostitutes] on the streets. How wonderful and peaceful this YWAM base is. We feel so priviledged that we were sent. Thank you to everyone.” –CAROL, first international mission trip
Here’s the Overall Vision:
We are taking a team of nine people from our church in Hood River, Oregon, to Costa Rica on July 26th. The main reason we are going on this outreach is to help with a large Bible distribution project that has a goal of distributing a Bible to every home in Costa Rica. Specifically, we will distribute Bibles in the small town of Orosi. We also plan to serve on street ministry teams (ministering to the prostitutes and homeless in the capital city of San Jose) and help with children’s outreach programs. This is exciting for us because it’s the first group mission trip that we are leading together.
Keep the team in your prayers . . .
Please remember to keep us (and the rest of the team) in your prayers while we are on this mission outreach. The nine team members are of all ages, and include Josh & Anna Dunagan, Shannon, Tia, Mallory, Mark Dunagan, Gabi, Carol, and Anna B.