A Glimpse of Josh & Anna’s Adventures in Asia!!!

Joshua & Anna Dunagan have only been married four months, yet they’ve already had many adventures of a lifetime: preaching in remote unreached villages, launching an orphan ministry  – “Aasha (Hope) Children’s Home,” ministering with wonderful national pastors in isolated churches, and experiencing the JOY of evangelism.

Here’s just a glimpse . . .

ABOVE: Josh & Anna with NETS Minister, Paul Sundersinghbabu & his wife Krishna, who worked very hard, and prayed even harder for this mission outreach to be so productive for God’s Kingdom. GOD BLESS YOU, Paul & Krishna!


BELOW: See the 10 children at Gospel Projects International new “Aasha (Hope) Children’s Home”

For more about Josh & Anna’s vision, see Gospel Projects International


One Response to “A Glimpse of Josh & Anna’s Adventures in Asia!!!”
  1. Aryadna de samper says:

    what a blessing, wonderful work you do.

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