Your Search: Sons and Missionary Heroes

THE WHOLE ESTATE – A Classic Missions Challenge, by Oswald J. Smith: “Here is an estate. The master tells his servants that he is leaving, but that he will be returning. And while he is gone, they are to bring the entire estate under cultivation . . . ” Learn more about the mission vision […]

Joshua & Anna Dunagan have only been married four months, yet they’ve already had many adventures of a lifetime: preaching in remote unreached villages, launching an orphan ministry – “Aasha (Hope) Children’s Home,” ministering with wonderful national pastors in isolated churches, and experiencing the JOY of evangelism. Here’s just a glimpse . . . ABOVE: […]

One of the most beautiful praise reports from Josh & Anna’s mission outreach (ministering throughout remote villages in South Asia), was a water baptism service for new believers with N.E.T.S. Minister, N. J. Paul Sundersingh Babu. What a joy to be a part of baptizing believers, as they commit their lives to follow Jesus […]

Our recent Harvest Ministry outreach to Lwakhakha, Uganda – on the Kenya border – was so exciting! The Lord moved mightily as this remote and predominantly-Muslim area was “shaken” for Jesus Christ! Five small local churches gathered together for this first ever open-air Gospel outreach in Lwakhakha – with worship, dancing, prayer, and preaching of […]

“The Pit” is unlike anything you have likely experienced. It is totally different than a camp porta-potty and has absolutely no resemblance to a typical American bathroom . . . Mission Maker Magazine Ann’s article, “The Lighter Side of Missions,” published in Mission Maker Magazine, featured funny mission stories about rats, pit toilets, and eating […]

During November, Harvest Ministry’s N.E.T.S. (National Evangelism Team Support) leader, Naboth Tumuhairwe, traveled over rough mountainous roads to share the Good News in a remote area in Tanzania. Over 2,000 people came to hear the preaching of the Gospel message, and multitudes repented of their sins and prayed to receive Jesus Christ as their Lord […]

A Time to PRAY! Welcome to DAY 11 of the 40-Day Mission-Minded FAMILY CHALLENGE! Today’s challenge focuses on establishing a specific TIME for prayer. Learn Hudson Taylor’s “spiritual secret” for effective ministry: TIME ALONE WITH GOD. Feel free to leave comments and feedback. Let’s encourage one another to become more mission-minded. C’mon . . . […]

This month, Josh & Anna Dunagan are launching out as a NEW MISSIONS outreach. They’re only 23 years old, and they’ve only been married for one year. But what a year it’s been!!! Introducing . . . Gospel Projects International Shortly after their wedding, Josh & Anna stepped out into missions by helping to meet […]

August 2009 – Harvest Ministry conducted a city-wide missions outreach in LWAKHAHA, Uganda. This Uganda/Kenya border town has been rampant with prostitution and AIDS. People there have been desperately in need of Jesus. Jon Dunagan preached and ministered together with all of Harvest Ministry’s African N.E.T.S. ministers. PLEASE PRAY! Please be interceding with us for […]

What a fun way to learn about the world! Right now, our oldest son is traveling all over the world on a global adventure. As a mission-minded homeschooling family, we love to learn about different nations and cultures, and we love to pray for people who need Jesus. Every few weeks, as we get news […]