Mission Giving

Please keep us in prayer!

We appreciate your friendship and your prayer. Let us know how we can pray for YOU!

To give to Harvest Ministry, mission donations (checks, money orders, or automatic  bank checks) can be made to “HARVEST MINISTRY” and sent in the mail to:


New Address:

Harvest Ministry
P.O. Box 2777
Wenatchee, WA. 98807



Feel CONTACT US if you have questions, or if you would like to receive our monthly mission newsletter (sent by mail), or to specify mission giving. If you prefer to support the ministry online with a credit card, for either a one-time gift or with automated monthly support, please send a DM or contact us for details.


Areas of Ministry:

Donations to Harvest Ministry can be designated for specific mission projects including:

  • ORPHANS – Loving Orphans with Harvest Ministry
  • NETS – National Evangelism Team Support (equipping national missionaries)
  • MISSION-MINDED FAMILIES – mobilizing families for God’s Great Commission
  • MISSION-MINDED WOMEN – supporting national women missionaries
  • GENERAL MISSION NEEDS – Where Needed Most



God is our Provider, and our total trust is in Him.

Please do keep us in your prayers, as God leads. May God bless you . . .
as we all work together to share His love with the world!

In His Harvest,
Jon & Ann Dunagan – Harvest Ministry


winning souls – loving orphans – equipping national missionaries – serving churches
mission-minded women – mission-minded families


  • Family Missions Course

  • Loving Orphans

  • Missions and Families

  • Sermons with Jon Dunagan

  • Mission-Minded Women

  • Teaching Missions

  • Stewardship and Missions