Our Daughter’s Mission to Cambodia
Jon & Ann Dunagan’s oldest daughter, Christi Dunagan (a recent college graduate, age 19), is now serving as an Assistant Team Leader (ATL) for a 6-week ORU summer music mission to CAMBODIA, working with long-term missionaries and Cambodian believers.
Here are a few preliminary ministry highlights along with some photos from the beginning of the trip. Christi said that she didn’t get many ministry pictures yet, but those will be coming!
The mission team will be focusing on the following:
- As an outreach to draw non-Christians to the church, Christi and several team members will help by teaching English (using the Bible as a text) to about 40 Cambodian students, mostly older teens and young adults, both guys and girls. About 80% of the believers at this church (and 100% of the Cambodian staff) received the Lord and became a part of the church through this free English school, which also provides free classes in office skills and typing.
- Helping people and doing mission work in a slum area.
- Doing children’s ministry at the church and in various locations.
- Learning more about the horrible problem of Cambodian child trafficking. Christi has met several who work full-time at the church’s home for rescued girls; however, this home is at an undisclosed location and her team will not be working with these girls.
- Teaching children’s Bible classes to the kids of the full-time missionary families.
- Teaching music theory classes, piano lessons, and classes about worship to the worship teams at the church.
- Using music ministry for outreach.
- Being a light, helping in whatever way possible, and sharing the life and love of JESUS!!!
A Welcoming Staircase in Hong Kong
HONG KONG photos:
The ORU Cambodia Mission Team
CAMBODIA photos:
Here is a quote from one of Christi’s journal entries:
“The last place we went to was Wat Phnom, a Buddhist temple . . . since it was a holy holiday, lots of parents were coming to take pictures of their little boys who were monks.
Apparently it is good for a family to have their eldest boy be a monk for at least two years because they believe that will being “salvation” to the parents, so boys can be short term monks, but if women decide to dedicate their life to God it’s for life.
Monks also can’t touch a women, wear shoes, have cell phones, or look straight up – although the two monks I met and talked to did all three. Oh well. I guess they were taking a day off from monkdom.”
This photo (above), showing Cambodian children praying to false idols, makes us so sad; but we are thankful that the mission team will be able to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with kids (in the slums and at the church) during their summer outreach.
Please pray for Christi and the mission team, for the Lord to shine through them to people in need — with the truth of the Gospel and the love of Jesus Christ.
Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father, but by Me” (John 14:6).
Mission in East Africa
Harvest Ministry News:
Dear Friends and Family,
What a blessing you are! We are so thankful for your friendship and prayers. The Lord’s ongoing faithfulness and provision over all these years in missions and international evangelism (since Harvest Ministry was founded in 1987) continually fills us with gratitude.
During September, 2012, we will be ministering in East Africa, leading our second Harvest Ministry Fellowship International (HMFI) Conference. Hundreds of national ministers from remote villages and churches throughout Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda, and Congo, are scheduled to attend for a special time of leadership training.
HMFI: Training Leaders in East Africa . . .
Our theme is “Raising the Next Generation for Christ” and we will also be encouraging these pastors and evangelists to keep training disciples and reaching the lost. Many will travel long distances to come, all eager to worship and to learn from God’s Word.
Philip’s 1st Mission Trip!
A highlight of this trip is that our youngest son, Philip, will be coming with us. Philip has been involved in some local ministry (community outreaches with acts-of-kindness and evangelism), but this will be his first international mission trip. He is especially looking forward to spending time with the orphan kids at Guma Na Yesu Children’s Center and being an “example to the believers”(as the Bible says in I Timothy 4:12), even at age 11.
Highlights from the Costa Rica Mission
Team Ministry in Costa Rica & Highlights from Mark:
This past month, Josh & Anna led a team mission trip to Costa Rica, where they distributed Bibles door-to-door and shared the love of Jesus on the streets. Our 16-year-old son, Mark, was a part of this outreach; his favorite moment was quietly singing (one-on-one for about 20 minutes) to a severely handicapped child at a home for abandoned children.
What a joy to our hearts!Family News . . .
In the past few weeks, all of our young adult “kids” moved away: Patrick is getting his MBA at Harvard; Josh & Anna are leading Gospel Projects International from a new home-base in Washington state; and Trae & Christi and Daniel & Anna are in Tulsa.
Our family is growing and shrinking at the same time. We are down to three kids at home now: Mark, Caela, and Philip.
Thank you for helping us to expand God’s kingdom!
Jon & Ann (& all)
Loving the LOST
Give me a PASSION FOR SOULS dear Lord.
A passion to save the lost.
Oh that Thy love were by all adored,
and welcomed at any cost . . .
Over one hundred years ago, a man named Herbert G. Tovey earnestly poured out his heart to God, asking for more of His perspective and passion for the lost.
It’s really quite remarkable. Through the prayers of one man, way-back in 1888, a fervency for the lost can actually penetrate into our thoughts and prayers TODAY (right now in February, 2012). One man’s prayer can impact our focus. Do you know how this can happen?
It’s because God’s perspective is timeless; and His passion is eternal.
We need more of God’s eternal perspective about life and the lost . . . and more of His heart for people who need His salvation? We need God’s outlook to see beyond ourselves.
God loves people so much and He has already provided for their salvation through His ultimate love — His passion — on the cross. We care too . . . but we need to care more.
Hudson Taylor, a missionary to China once said, “I feel I cannot go on living unless I do something for China.” Taylor knew that his life-purpose on earth reached far beyond his own desires. He was focused on eternity . . . and God’s love for SOULS.
Photo: Jon Dunagan preaching the Gospel in East Africa
A missions poem and hymn – By Herbert G. Tovey, 1888
Give me a passion for souls, dear Lord,
A passion to save the lost;
O that Thy love were by all adored,
And welcomed at any cost.
Jesus I long, I long to be winning
Men who are lost, and constantly sinning;
O may this hour become of beginning
The story of pardon to tell . . .
How shall this passion for souls be mine?
Lord, make Thou the answer clear;
Help me to throw out the old life line
To those who are struggling near.
Learn more about loving the LOST . . .
Learn more about how Harvest Ministry is Loving the LOST
Learn more about Current Mission News & Evangelism
Learn more about NETS National Evangelism Team Support:
(equipping national ministers for remote missions and church planting)
Mission in NIGER, West Africa
The life expectancy in Niger is only 52 years old, and 49.7% of the country is under the age of 14. Children’s missions outreach is a crucial part of ministry in this country that is so lost and in need of the Good News of Jesus Christ.
This is a newly saved “Gourmanche” girl. Niger is only approximately 3% Christian. Tribal tradition includes scaring the faces of babies to identify their village and people group. The Gourmanche people also file their teeth to points as a sign of beauty and identity. In the past two years several churches have been planed in Gourmanche villages and hundreds have come to accept Christ as their Lord and Savior.
More about the Childs Family and their missionary work in NIGER
More about how to pray for NIGER, WEST AFRICA (link to Operation World)
More about Christi’s earlier mission outreaches (to CAMBODIA & E. AFRICA)
Exciting BUDUDA HARVEST Video!!!
Bududa, Uganda – Mission:
As thousands of people crowded in to the city-center to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ (approximately 3x the total remote village population each night), we wondered, “Where are all these people coming from?” This area had NEVER had a gathering of people this large!!!). Many walked long distances. Multitudes repented to God and turned from their witchcraft and/or Islamic practices. Harvest Ministry was also able to preach the Gospel in a secondary (high) school, and minister at a special training meeting for pastors and church leaders.
Over the entire outreach (in combined total attendance over all of the meetings), about 29,000 heard the Gospel message and about 5,000 to 6,000 precious people prayed to surrender their lives to the Lord Jesus Christ. Many were dramatically set free, as people turned from witchcraft and false religions. (One particular testimony involved a leading sorceress woman who publicly proclaimed Jesus Christ as Lord, surrendering to the Lord from the platform. Her example led to two other prominent business women coming for prayer, and surrendering their lives to Jesus the following day).
Here are a few highlights . . .
Audio Summary:
The local pastors were very encouraged, and are now working hard to follow-up on these new believers. We praise God for the opportunity to GO with God’s Good News to BUDUDA, and praise Him for all that He did among these people. Please continue to pray for the churches in this area.
“For God so LOVED the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).
Thank you for praying and for sending us!
Bududa, Uganda:
Background: Bududa, Uganda is a remote area in S.W. Uganda, in East Africa. Last year, many in this area died from a large mud slide, and Harvest Ministry was able to come in with a small semi truck, with greatly needed benevolence help. Other religions in the area: witchcraft/sorcery, tribal practices, and Islam. 55 local Christian pastors and church leaders were involved in this outreach, including 4 major churches helping with followup.
Magale Mission
God demonstrates His LOVE . . .
Here are some exciting photos from Harvest Ministry’s evangelistic outreach in East Africa to the remote mountain village of MAGALE, Uganda (on the border of Kenya). Over the outreach, over 25,000 people came to hear the preaching of the GOSPEL, and approximately 5,000 people surrendered their lives to Jesus Christ. The city (previously a tribal-religion/witchcraft stronghold) was impacted for GOD’S KINGDOM. Many were touched by the Lord, including a “head witchdoctor” who came forward to repent of his sins and to receive God’s salvation.
To God be the GLORY!!! What a JOY to reap a HARVEST of SOULS!!!
Rare Solar Eclipse, “Raw” Evangelism, & a Rainbow!
On the first day of the MAGALE MISSION, this area of Uganda experienced a RARE SOLAR ECLIPSE (the news referred to it as a “RING OF FIRE” – and to us it was a “TOKEN” – like Rahab’s Scarlet Cord from Joshua 2:12-21 – emphasizing the BLOOD OF JESUS and God’s saving love, even in the midst of destruction). The mission was truly “RAW & RUGGED EVANGELISM (with rainstorms, witchdoctors trying to curse us, a crazy guy charging through the crowd with a rock, thousands of villagers hearing the Gospel and about 5,000 people surrendering their lives to Jesus Christ!!!) Then, on the final night, right during the preaching, there was a beautiful RAINBOW over the crowd! How AWESOME!!!
God loves the whole world, and even this remote and hidden area of Magale, Uganda!
MORE ABOUT THE ECLIPSE: On the opening day of the Magale Mission Outreach (while the world’s eyes were focused on the devastating aftermath from the earthquake in Haiti) Uganda witnessed a very rare solar eclipse. A red ring around the darkened sun, described by national newspapers as a “Ring of Fire”, was a “token” to us and to the people of Magale, like the “true token” of the Scarlet Cord of Rahab from Joshua 2:12-21, remarkably illustrating God’s provision of salvation for the whole world, only through the shed blood of Jesus Christ, even for the people of this remote and hidden village of Magale, Uganda.
What can wash away my sin? NOTHING BUT THE BLOOD OF JESUS!
What can make me whole again? NOTHING BUT THE BLOOD OF JESUS!
Oh, precious is the flow, that makes me white at snow!
No other ‘fount I know. NOTHING BUT THE BLOOD OF JESUS!
Please continue to keep these people of Magale, Uganda in your prayers. Right now, a qualified national pastor is working hard to establish a new church in this area to help these brand-new believers to grow in their faith and to become fruitful for Christ.
“Others, like seed sown on good soil, hear the word, accept it, and produce a crop—thirty, sixty or even a hundred times what was sown” (Mark 4:20).
Thanks for your prayers, and for all who helped send us!
To God be the GLORY!
In His Love & Harvest,
Jon & Ann (& all)
P.S. If you would like to join with us in specific prayer and/or mission support to help us to reach the lost with the Good News and Gospel message of Jesus Christ, we would be honored to send you our monthly HARVEST MINISTRY newsletter (for those of you in the US and CANADA). If interested, please CONTACT US with your mailing address!
Mission to IRELAND!!!
Ministering to Families . . . in Ireland!
Coming up soon, Jon & Ann Dunagan, along with Josh & Anna Dunagan, are going to be ministering throughout the nation of Ireland, motivating families to be more effective for God’s kingdom and encouraging churches for world missions.
The churches of Ireland need our prayer support. Less than 1% of Ireland is evangelical Christian, and there is a great need for the Gospel. Please pray for God’s will to be done on this mission outreach and for His eternal purposes to be accomplished.
upcoming ministry schedule . . .
April 29-30 – Life Church
Portaoise, Ireland
(Sunday morning service, and evening service for adults and for youth)May 1 – Elim Church Glen Road Monaghan
Monagham County, Ireland
(Tuesday evening service, 8:30 p.m.)May 2 – Meath Christian Centre in Navan
Meath County, Ireland
(Wednesday evening service, 8:00 p.m.)May 3 – Oasis Christian Fellowship in Roscrea
Tipperary Country, Ireland
(Thursday evening service, 8:00 p.m.May 4, 5, 6 – Effective Parenting and Family Life Weekend Conference
Westport and Castlebar, Ireland
(Friday, Saturday, and Sunday services)
a few words from others . . .
“We’re so thrilled . . . I have an excitement in my spirit about this and believe that God is behind this 100%!” –Pastor Peter & Martha Finch – Westport Ireland
“We are looking forward to hearing your hearts. We are similar in that we have a heart for nations and believe strongly in family.”
–Pastor James & Rachel Krechnyak – Portaoise, Ireland“So excited you guys are going to be coming to Ireland! I’m sure you could be a great encouragement! I know you will love the church and Pastor James and Rachel are really wonderful people who Love God and have a heart for missions and evangelism. They are YWAMers. Look forward to hearing you share. I’m sure whatever you bring will be a great encouragement to the church!” –Heather Church, engaged to a missionary from Ireland
Pray for Ireland
Harvest Ministry’s Mission to Ireland . . .
Jon & Ann Dunagan will be GOING on a mission outreach to Ireland, ministering to families and churches throughout the country, together with Josh & Anna Dunagan,
in late April and May, 2012.Prayer Focus for Ireland:
In previous generations, Ireland was a predominantly Christian nation, even “sending” missionaries to other countries and helping to spread the Gospel throughout Europe.Today, according to a recent European Believers report, less than 1% of the people of Ireland are born-again believers (only 0.62%). That percentage is so low.
As mission-minded families, we need to PRAY for Ireland
Learn how to pray for IRELAND on OPERATION WORLD.
Learn more (& PRAY) about
Harvest Ministry’s upcoming mission to Ireland . . . (click here)
A glimpse of what God is doing in Ireland!
On our ministry outreach to Ireland, it was exciting to learn about the history of past works of God AND to see how God is moving today in very exciting ways. We saw the mountain where St. Patrick fasted for 40 days for Ireland, we preached in a church founded by John Wesley, and we ministered in a growing church (on the border of Northern Ireland) that was the “seed” of a nation-wide Irish revival almost exactly 100 years ago.
Ministering as a Family-Team . . .
We met up with Josh & Anna in Dublin, Ireland, as they were beginning their 3-country mission outreach (ministering and traveling throughout Ireland, India, and the UK). It was awesome to be able to minister together as a family team, with Josh & Anna ministering to the youth, leading in worship and special music, and sharing a next-generation perspective.
a beautiful country
ministering in churches across Ireland
(Note: The yellow line shows our journey throughout Ireland!)
Life Church in Port Laois
In Port Laois, we met up with two great ministry couples, James & Rachel (above, right), pastor of Life Church and former YWAM’ers, and their assistant pastor, Noel Cammack, who is engaged to our dear long-time friend, Heather Church from Alaska (who used to be our pastor’s daughter and babysitter in Bend, Oregon). We had a very special time with Noel & Heather (above, left), talking and praying together about their upcoming wedding and marriage. Our fellowship together felt significant and God-orchestrated. What great people!!!
We preached in two services at Life Church in Port Laois. The congregation was very international (with church members from Nigeria and Poland), and both services were even interpreted into Polish. The worship was contemporary and vibrant and the church seemed very healthy. The pastor and his family had even just returned from their own mission outreach to Poland and Norway! (During this time, we heard about the vast spiritual needs throughout Ireland and Europe. Did you know that in 10 European nations, less than 1% of the population is Evangelical Christian. What a HUGE NEED for prayer and action!!!)
Effective Families Seminar in Navan
In the quaint town of Navan, Ireland, we met-up with Pastor Johnny McEvoy (our ministry contact who we had met at Global Missions Conference in Wasilla, Alaska, and who had arranged all of our connections with the Elim churches throughout Ireland). It was good to see him and we thankful for his organizational work and effort. In Navan, we led a one-night Effective Families Seminar with representatives attending from three churches from this region, including pastor Richard from Meath Christian Centre.
Home Meeting in Roscrea
What a unique experience we had with a new church-plant in Roscrea, Ireland. We got to stay in an old mansion on a working horse farm (with a professional Irish bronze-sculptor-artist and her husband, a horse-trainer/100-mile-marathon runner). The pastor, Ken Baker (left), was so hospitable. We enjoyed the presence of the Lord during worship, and had a wonderful time of fellowship with wonderful new friends, such as Norman & Carianne (below).
Exciting Ministry & Vision in Monaghan
On the border of Northern Ireland, we were blessed by the vision and ministry of Stephen Matthews (below) and his family and congregation (Elim Church in Monaghan). Currently, the church is in a tiny building (left), but they are seeing revival! Many are coming to the Lord and the church is flourishing and growing.
It was thrilling and very informative to personally learn about the political and spiritual situation between the Republic of Ireland (the country we were visiting in the South, which is an independent country, historically Roman Catholic) and Northern Ireland (a part of the United Kingdom, which we briefly visited one afternoon, historically Protestant).
Over the years, there has been much fighting, division, and terrorism between the two sides, but God is bringing reconciliation and healing. Currently, less than 1% of the population of the Republic of Ireland is Evangelical (born-again or Bible-believing) Christian. But revival is stirring! We were fascinated by Ireland’s spiritual history and by what God did long ago through a fiery young evangelist named George Jeffreys nearly 100 years ago in this very spot (here’s more about the history), sparking spiritual revival all throughout Ireland.
We also learned about the current ministry news up near the border of Northern Ireland and we were able to see this church’s nearly completed (very large) building!
This Monaghan church is active in one-on-one witnessing, using tools as local personal testimonies on CD, and vibrant participation in the local city-wide St. Patrick’s Day parade (2 out of the past 3 years, this church has won the city prize for the best float-entry). But most of all, this church is a church that PRAYS and listens to the voice of the Lord. WHAT VISION!
And here was a “wee-bit” of fun: we were able to visit with an owner of race horses and he let Anna have an opportunity to ride (and even jump) one of his champion horses.
Westport, Ireland is a beautiful area known for tourism and recreation. A mountain just outside of the city is a world-renown pilgrimage destination, as this is where St. Patrick climbed to fast and pray for 40 days for the nation of Ireland.
Today, people come from all over the world to climb this Irish mountain, Mt. Croagh Patrick, sometimes even going barefoot over the rough rocks as a sign of penance for their sins.
The local church in Westport (led by Peter and Martha Finch of Amazing Grace church, who we met at a Missions Conference in Alaska) had a great idea to share the Gospel. On the yearly pilgrimage weekend, they washed people’s feet and shared the love of Jesus. The church worship was filled with life and we had a special time of ministry, sharing about The Scarlet Cord and God’s miracle working power!
(Everywhere we went, we gave away copies of our brand-new book, The Scarlet Cord: Nothing but the Blood of Jesus, a concise call to world missions. People were very thankful and appreciative and we were glad to have this “seed” to give.)
In Castlebar, Ireland, we had a wonderful time with the pastors and leaders.
Daniel Caldwell (right) was fascinating. He did his PhD in a study about the Pentecostal roots of Irish history and St. Patrick. He’s pioneered several churches, has preached at large mission gatherings all throughout Europe, but refused to be called either “Dr.” or “Pastor.” With a humble heart he insisted, “Just call me, ‘Daniel.'”
The church in Castlebar, Ireland, was founded by the famous minister, John Wesley, who laid the foundation stone for the building and often preached here during his visits to Ireland years ago. How fun to preach in the same church building where God moved long ago . . . and where He is still moving today!
Thanks for sending us. Please pray for Ireland!
Mission to BUKWO, Uganda
Keep watching this post for daily updates from this week’s Harvest Ministry mission outreach to BUKWO, UGANDA, and please PRAY for many people to repent and to surrender to JESUS CHRIST!!!
Harvest Ministry’s mission to Bukwo, Uganda is April 13th through April 21st (with the actual evangelistic outreach dates from Thursday, April 15th to Saturday, April 17th). Bukwo is a remote and isolated area in East Africa, on the Uganda/ Kenya border. This lush region is located inside of an extinct volcano, with a population consisting of various mixed tribes (with primarily tribal religions). As far as we know, this hidden area has never had a public open-air GOSPEL OUTREACH. Please pray for SOULS to be saved as we share the GOOD NEWS of JESUS CHRIST. PRAYER FOCUS forAPRIL 14th:
- PRAISE: Jon & Daniel arrived safely into Entebbe, Uganda, after several long flights. They will spend the evening in Kampala, Uganda and then will travel tomorrow morning, by road, on a long drive to Bukwo.
- HEALTH: Pray for health and strength, and continued safety for traveling.
- PREPARATION: Continue to pray for the advance team, and for intercession to increase, both in Africa and among prayer supporters in the U.S. (and in other places).
- ADVANCE TEAM: The Harvest Ministry team is already in BUKWO, UGANDA. The advance team is being led by Ugandan NETS minister, Paul Kintu, and Harvest Ministry’s music leader, Geoffery. Pray for these two national leaders to have wisdom, favor with government leaders, and unity with church believers, as they are finalizing preparations.
- TRAVEL SAFETY: Also, please pray for traveling safety and health for Jon Dunagan and Daniel Dunagan as they are flying to Uganda, East Africa today (en route through Amsterdam, Netherlands).
Details: Jon Dunagan will be going on this outreach, accompanied by our 17-year-old son, Daniel Dunagan (a homeschooled high school senior), along with Harvest Ministry’s Ugandan evangelism team.