Mission Update – Kotulu, Uganda
Winning Souls
A mission highlight was preaching the Good News of Jesus to about a thousand people in the village of Kotulu, in Western Uganda, together with NETS minister, Joseph Baluku, who is establishing a growing new church in this area.
Dear Friends & Family,
We are so thankful for each of you! The Bible says in I Corinthians 1:4, “I always thank God for you because of His grace given you in Christ Jesus.” We do thank God for giving YOU the grace to love us, to pray for us, and to send us. (We so appreciate your faithful prayers and missions support!)
Being a part of expanding God’s kingdom definitely takes a team effort . . . and what a a joy it is to serve together with you, and with the Lord.
We just returned from a productive ministry outreach to Uganda, East Africa. It was wonderful, busy, and fruitful time.
Outreach in the Village of Kotulu, Uganda
Two recent converts (who had both come to salvation within the past year) shared their testimonies. A man who had suffered for ten years from demonic possession and witchcraft shared how God had set him free, and a woman, who was previously lame, shared how the Lord had healed her, so she could now walk.
Many people in the village of Kotulu had known the previous situations of these two people, so their testimonies were powerful and impacting.
The word of their testimony . . .
We were reminded of the verse in Revelation 12:11,
“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they loved not their lives unto the death.”
Thank you for praying for the lost . . .
As the Gospel message was preached, we rejoiced as hundreds of people prayed to surrender their lives to Jesus Christ!
We thank you for your prayers and heart for missions.
Click here for more . . . about the Uganda Mission with NETS minister, Joseph Boluku.)
In His Love and Harvest,
Jon & Ann
Harvest Outreach in BUKWO, UGANDA!
In the lush and mountainous area of Bukwo, Uganda, thousands of people crowded into the village center each evening to listen to the Gospel message, with fervent intensity.
For years, this area (located in the middle of an extinct volcano) has been isolated from the rest of Uganda, due to nearly impassable roads; yet new roads were just built as the area had only recently been established as a new Ugandan district. It was God’s timing!
For this Harvest Ministry outreach, 12 remote churches gathered together for the first time, and we praise God for the multitudes of people who surrendered their lives to Jesus Christ. We are so thankful to everyone who prayed with us for these precious people, and appreciate those who helped to send us with God’s Good News. Please continue to pray for the local pastors and church leaders of this Bukwo district, as they will now work to train and disciple these new believers to serve and follow the Lord. To God be the glory.
Just a second . . . We’re redirecting you . . .
Where we’ve been (in red)
Since 1987, Harvest Ministry has shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ all across the globe: winning souls, loving orphans, equipping nationals, serving churches, and motivating mission-minded families! — Click here for more ABOUT our mission.
Testimony of God’s POWER in KAGADI!
Kagadi, Uganda
God’s POWER definitely moved in a mighty way during Harvest Ministry’s recent city-wide outreach to KAGADI, UGANDA. All together about 14,000 people crowded in to hear the Gospel (in total combined attendance over all the meetings), and we praise God for each life that was changed and impacted by God’s WORD, and HIS LIFE-CHANGING POWER!
We rejoice that approximately 4,000 prayed to surrender their lives to JESUS CHRIST by repenting of their sins, surrendering their lives to the LORD, and receiving God’s salvation through faith in Christ’s death and resurrection. In an area steeped in witchcraft and horrible practices, many were healed, delivered from demonic strongholds, and set FREE by the power of God. What an exciting time!
Please keep this area, and these new believers in PRAYER, as we rejoice together in all that God is doing in this area. The following photos present a “sneak preview” of our exciting mission report from KAGADI, UGANDA.)
Thank you for sending us . . .
Be sure to also see:
>> KAGADI: God’s Protection During Flight Emergency
>> KAGADI: Preparation & Background on KAGADI, Uganda

P.S. Jon Dunagan arrived safely home in Oregon, USA, after a close-call emergency airplane landing — read about God’s protection – here. A few news sources reported the event (and here & here two even quoted Jon’s reaction (quoted from this Harvest Ministry website), although mistakenly claiming Jon’s ‘home country’ is NETHERLANDS).
Daily Prayer Updates
October 9, 2010 – FULL DAY!!!
JON: (early in the morning) We have a very full day today – We will meet with all pastors to encourage them. Then we will go deep into KENGA VILLAGE to encourage the newly planted church there (see comments below), then come back for tonight’s open-air evangelistic outreach in the city of KAGADI.
text 2 – This area has so much HIV/AIDS, it is crazy. At the evening meetings, people are really attentive. So far, there have been about 4,000 to 5,000 each night. Let’s see what God will do today!
text 3 – Kenga village has been notorious for cannibalism. A local pastor recently planted a church there. We spent 4 hours ministering to and encouraging the new believers.
text 4 – About 150 packed the small church. I preached from I Peter 1:18-19. About 12 people prayed to receive Christ. When we prayed for the sick, WOW, sooo many were set free from demons.
text 5 – The church, Kenga Village, really put on the ritz for us — fresh cow manure on floor and pulpit. And a huge feast for us (chicken and pork) – I made sure of the meat!
text 6 – The fresh manure keeps away certain noxious insects, (but it draws flies.)
text 7 – EVENING OUTREACH in KAGADI: Maybe 5,000 tonight. Many saved. So many demon possessed people. Preached Acts 8:9-13. One possessed was trying to chew on my leg!
text 8 – Please pray for a woman who claims that she has been pregnant for 12 months — to deliver. She snuck out of the hospital to be prayed for. She has been in much pain.
EXCITING MISSION REPORT!!! – All together during the KAGADI OUTREACH, through all the evening evangelistic Harvest crusades, church services, and pastor’s meetings, there was a combined total of 14,000 in attendance! At least 4,000 prayed to receive God’s salvation and to surrender their lives to Jesus Christ.
Tell everyone thanks so much for praying. We have a long drive tomorrow.
October 8, 2010 – LIGHTNING, RAINSTORM, & SOULS!!!
JON: I preached from Matthew 4:16. Many hundreds of people surrendering to Jesus. As demon-possessed people were carried onto the platform, a tremendous lightning and rainstorm hit. WOW. Everyone soaked!
Some demon possessed people were being set free only 100 yards from the platform. Preached hard about Jesus and His sinless blood. He alone can save.
later that night: Well, it’s 10pm and we’re still waiting for dinner. We hear it’s roasted goat on a stick. Everything is so dirty and muddy.
October 7, 2010 – LIVE MISSION UPDATE from Kagadi!!!
Local Kagadi believers leading in praise and worship to the Lord!
A glimpse of the gathering crowd – Pray for these people!
Already, many are surrendering to Jesus!!!
TEXTS received this morning:JON: “Live from the crusade platform: about 3,000 decisions for Jesus Christ. Many demon possessed people set free. Pray for more souls!”
ANN: “Awesome. Praising God with you. Thx for giving us a glimpse of the JOY and the harvest. Let us know specific ways to focus our prayers and strongholds to come against.”
JON: “Biggest problem here is a cult that has many followers. The leader claims to be Jesus/god come back to earth. He even produces a few supernatural signs. But it’s all about power, money, and women. Please pray for eyes to be opened to the real JESUS!!!”
Also, “We’ve been told to never eat meat unless you know for sure what it is. Hmmmm. I think I will go vegan for a while!”KEEP PRAYING . . .
October 6, 2010After flying across the world, Jon Dunagan arrived safely at the Entebbe airport, now ready for a full-day drive NW (toward the border of DR Congo) to the remote and isolated city of Kagadi. They say, “We must fish the deep waters!”
>> Pray for safety as the remaining team is traveling on dangerous African roads, for the Holy Spirit to PREPARE the hearts of the people to come to the outreach to heart and to receive the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and for wisdom and anointing for the advance team (led by NETS minister, Paul Kintu, and worship leader, Geoffry) who have been in Kagadi.
Luke 5:4,10b When He had stopped speaking, He [Jesus] said to Simon, “Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.”. . . And Jesus said to Simon, “Do not be afraid. From now on you will catch men.”
October 5, 2010
For the past few months, Harvest Ministry’s team has been preparing the way (in prayer and advance work) for this week’s city-wide Gospel Outreach in Kagadi, Uganda. Currently, Jon Dunagan is traveling to Africa, and will soon meet up with our co-workers and NETS ministers, along with all of our national ministry team members, including our music leader, Harvest Ministry’s hard-working technicians, along with many freshly-trained local ushers and ministry workers.
>>This week, we’re praying specifically for SOULS in Kagadi to be saved, and for a spiritual breakthrough in this needy area.
A specific verse we’re praying over this area of Kagali is Isaiah 9:2: “The people who walked in darkness Have seen a great light; Those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death, Upon them a light has shined.”
Previous Kagadi posts . . .
We appreciate everyone who has joined with us in prayer and support for the upcoming KAGADI, UGANDA outreach. In a recent newsletter (sent in the mail to our mission partners), we mentioned our need for “POWER”: both spiritually — for prayer support, and physically — for a new generator (to replace our old one which finally “bit the dust” after years of rugged mission service). We’re delighted to report that God has provided for this GENERATOR, which is now purchased and ready to GO for mission evangelism!
Outreach mission preparations are continuing throughout the area of Kagadi (led by worship leader, Geoffry, and NETS minister, Paul Kintu), as thousands of flyers are being distributed and local Christians are being mobilized. Please pray for God’s Holy Spirit to draw people to hear the Gospel and for spiritual strongholds (especially of witchcraft and cannibalism) to be broken. Pray for God’s POWER to be released as people learn what Jesus did for them on the cross. Pray for open hearts and for multitudes to repent of their sins and to surrender to the Lord.
As you pray with us for Kagali, ask the Lord to give YOU more of His passion for souls. Missionary Hudson Taylor had such a heart for the lost, he said, “I feel I cannot go on living unless I do something for China.” Taylor grew to realize that his purpose reached beyond his own temporal desires, to making an impact for God’s kingdom, and for eternity.
As a family note, we’re having a great visit with our son Patrick, who will deploy with the USMC to Afghanistan in a few weeks. Wedding plans are also underway, for our son Josh and his lovely bride-to-be, Anna, and for Ann’s sister Sue (to Dr. Bradley Stuart, an international minister from South Africa). It’s an eventful time, and we appreciate your continued love for us . . . and for the lost. Enclosed is a copy of our recent prayer card, with both ministry and family highlights. We appreciate your prayers!
In His Love & Harvest,
Jon & Ann (& all)P.S. If you would like a hard-copy of this mission postcard, to put up on your refrigerator or in your Bible (as a reminder to continue to be praying for this upcoming outreach), please contact us, and let us know if you’d like to receive our monthly mission newsletters!
Earlier post on Kagadi, Uganda
Mission to BUDUDA!!!
An upcoming city-wide outreach is planned in the mountainous area of BUDUDA, in S.E. UGANDA. Airline tickets have just been purchased, and Harvest Ministry plans, advertising, and preparations are currently underway.
Exciting Harvest Report – from APAC!
Harvest Ministry just returned from an exciting time of mission evangelism in Northern Uganda, East Africa, in an area called “APAC” (which sounds like “a-patch”). Over the entire outreach approximately 13,000 people heard the GOOD NEWS of JESUS CHRIST, and about 1,200 people repented of their sins and surrendered their lives to the Lord.
God moved mightily, and a major highlight was a HUGE thunder, lightning, and a down-pour rain storm (it was like the whole crowd got “water-baptized”) right during the preaching on the second night. Many people testified of being healed, and many were set free by the power of God.
Thank you for your prayers and mission support – to help us to reach SOULS for the Lord!
Prayer Focus:
The local Christian churches were encouraged and strengthened, and are now busy with follow-up and discipleship and teaching of these brand-new converts.
Please pray for the national pastors and local church leaders in Apac (for compassion, anointing in their preaching and teaching, endurance in their follow-up, and favor with the people). Please also pray for the Holy Spirit to draw these new believers to become grounded in their new-found faith, established in God’s Word and teaching, and “plugged-in” and faithful to one of these local churches.
April 2009 – Mission Outreach to APAC, Uganda
Christi in Cambodia: Part II
Here are some recent ministry pictures of Christi’s summer mission outreach to Cambodia. Ministry includes teaching English for outreach, bringing JOY to poverty-stricken slums, teaching worship conferences and music classes for worship teams, and doing children’s ministry.
(Click here for earlier posts about this CAMBODIA MISSION.)
Here are a few pictures to share the news:
Thanks to everyone who gave toward Christi’s mission trip (an outreach of ORU’s summer music missions). Please keep her, and the team, and the people they are reaching in Cambodia in your prayers!!!
God’s Protection During Flight Emergency!!!
We’re praising God for His protection over Jon Dunagan, as he was flying home (en route to Oregon, USA) from Harvest Ministry’s recent KAGADI mission outreach in Uganda, EAST AFRICA.
Today (on 10/10/10), during Jon’s initial flight home (via KLM airlines, departing from Entebbe, Uganda to Amsterdam, Netherlands) a near flight disaster was averted.
During departure, a large bird flew (or was sucked) into the engine; the plane engine caught fire, and gasoline dumped out in midair. Jon wrote in a text message that the plane sounded like it was falling apart during take-off. Immediately, the plane had an emergency landing back at the Entebbe airport. During the emergency landing, the plane nearly flipped, and Jon reported that it felt like they almost crashed. Passengers were unloaded onto the runway, as FIRE TRUCKS were present. Jon said the situation was “very terrifying.”
We are praising God for His supernatural protection, and THANK YOU for your continued prayers over this mission outreach and everyone involved.
P.S. Jon Dunagan arrived safely home in Oregon, after this close-call. A few news sources, see here and here, reported the event, and two see here and here even quoted Jon’s reaction (from this Harvest Ministry website), although mistakenly claimed Jon’s ‘home country’ is NETHERLANDS).
Be sure to also see:
>> KAGADI: Click here (for KAGADI PHOTOS and day-by-day prayer & praise reports)
>> KAGADI: Click here (for KAGADI background & preparation details)
>> KAGADI: Click here (for 4-minute KAGADI MISSION VIDEO)