Your Search: November

Mission News from the NETS (National Evangelism Team Support) outreach: Evangelist and church-planter, Joseph Baluku (of Bwera, Uganda – East Africa) sends a great report about soulwinning and church planting, with pictures and mission highlights. For an introduction to Harvest Ministry’s “N.E.T.S.” Ministry, click here. Reaping a Harvest — in Needy Areas Meet Joseph & […]

EVANGELISM NEWS: An upcoming city-wide outreach is planned in the mountainous area of BUDUDA, in S.E. UGANDA. Airline tickets have just been purchased, and Harvest Ministry plans, advertising, and preparations are currently underway. PLEASE BE PRAYING FOR SOULS!!!

KAGADI, UGANDA “The people who walked in darkness Have seen a great light; Those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death, Upon them a light has shined” (Isaiah 9:2). In a land that has been spiritually DARK — known for witchcraft, AIDS, false religions, and even cannibalism — the LIGHT of JESUS […]

As Christians, we bring the cross-cultural, life-changing message of Jesus Christ and His forgiveness for sin. Our purpose is not to propagate our own cultural standards, but to present the Gospel in a redeeming yet culturally sensitive way to all people we meet. Q. Aren’t ALL cultures equally valid? Why should we try to change […]

By Joshua Dunagan, at age thirteen “So, what did you eat for Thanksgiving?” During the week of Thanksgiving, my dad and I were across the world in Uganda, East Africa, holding evangelistic outreaches in remote cities out in the middle of nowhere. It was my second Thanksgiving holiday outside of America. But this time was […]

“Why should anyone go back to the table for second’s or third’s, before everyone’s had a first helping?” — Won’t anyone pass the food? Imagine sitting down for a scrumptious Thanksgiving dinner with all of your relatives. Everyone is eager to eat . . . but as you survey Grandma’s extra-long dining room table, complete […]

On November 12th, 2010, Joshua Michael Dunagan and Anna Leigh Mow were joined by God in covenant marriage, with JOY and anticipation for the future!!! Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Josh & Anna Dunagan! May God direct your new life together, and your steps ahead for His kingdom purposes, and for His GLORY!!!

His MISSION Welcome to the final day of your 40-Day Mission-Minded FAMILY CHALLENGE! Thank you so much for being a part of this motivational adventure. For this final day, we’re concluding our 40-Day Challenge by focusing on the big picture of God’s Great Commandments and God’s Great Commission. As mission-minded families, let’s aim toward God’s […]

His CROWNS Welcome to DAY 39 of the 40-Day Mission-Minded FAMILY CHALLENGE! For this second-to-last day of our 40-Day Mission-Minded FAMILY CHALLENGE, our focus is living with eternity in mind. As Christians, our priority and focus is loving the Lord Jesus Christ and living for His eternal heavenly crowns, rather than for temporal earthly crowns. […]

His LOVE Welcome to DAY 38 of the 40-Day Mission-Minded FAMILY CHALLENGE! Our focus today is God’s personal LOVE for us. To live joyfully as a mission-minded believers, we should not focus on merely “doing” mission-minded things for God; rather, our focus should be “knowing” God and growing deeper in our personal relationship with Him. […]