Your Search: December

As we’re heading into the Christmas season, a time to celebrate God’s PEACE and joy, let’s make sure to seek God for what should be done (and what activities could be eliminated to bring more of God’s presence into our homes and family). Let’s remember to take TIME for prayer, and to keep everything in balance.

December Mission-Minded Families — #2 — This year, the Jewish celebration of Hanukkah falls on December 2nd to 10th, 2018. It’s a perfect time to share with our families about God’s love for the people of Israel and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

Christmas is all about Him, not us. Converting from holi-dazed to the blessings of the holy-day alters everything, because my heart is changed.

“I’ll be home for Christmas?” — Back in Pennsylvania, everyone would be coming home from church-to the sounds of caroling, the smell of roasting turkey, and the sight of falling snow. But where was God’s missionary? Here he was . . . stuck in a remote jungle . . . in a makeshift shelter . . . in the pouring rain . . . alone.
As mission-minded believers, family togetherness at Christmas can be very special, but it’s something to hold lightly and to surrender to the Lord.

Christmas is not just about giving PRESENTS; it’s about living in the PRESENCE of the Lord, and sharing His PRESENCE with others. Focuses . . . on God’s Presence! Jesus came as our Emmanuel – Our “God with us.” This Christmas, let’s remember that Christmas is all about Him. It’s about being with Him, and […]

All to Him I Freely Give . . . For God so loved the WORLD, that He GAVE His only Son. This Christmas, let’s remember the world and the lost, as we thank God for the greatest gift of all times. God gave His own life for our world; let’s give of ourselves . . […]

Our Savior, Jesus Christ, surrendered everything when He came to this earth — not only to save us, but to provide His salvation for the whole world! “For God so loved the world, that He gave His Only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16) Focusing […]

As we prepare our homes and our hearts for Christmas, let’s remember the simplicity of Christ’s birthplace. God has never had budget-limitations, time-constraints, or geographical borders. Jesus could have been born anywhere and at any time. God could have chosen an elaborate palace or a richly decorated mansion. Yet Christ’s first home was incredibly simple and more eternally glorious than any human could have imagined. The GLORY of that first home was GOD Himself. Today, the true GLORY of our Christmas celebrations will not be in our glittery ribbons and fancy cuisine. The GLORY of Christmas is GOD Himself.

Mission-Minded Families in December #1 — During this busy season let’s remember to focus on our relationship with God. Jesus Christ is our Emmanuel. Our God with us. Let’s never forget how amazing He is and what an awesome JOY it is to spend time with Him. Have a Mission-Minded Christmas Follow the complete series […]

“N.E.T.S” – National Evangelism Team Support: EAST AFRICA N.E.T.S. Minister Naboth Tumuhairwe and his wife Alice have been working together with Harvest Ministry’s N.E.T.S. Outreach since 1991. By God’s grace, they have planted hundreds of self-supporting village churches throughout East Africa (currently overseeing 190 congregations and many national ministers), and are directors of Guma Na […]