Exciting BUDUDA HARVEST Video!!!
Bududa, Uganda – Mission:
As thousands of people crowded in to the city-center to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ (approximately 3x the total remote village population each night), we wondered, “Where are all these people coming from?” This area had NEVER had a gathering of people this large!!!). Many walked long distances. Multitudes repented to God and turned from their witchcraft and/or Islamic practices. Harvest Ministry was also able to preach the Gospel in a secondary (high) school, and minister at a special training meeting for pastors and church leaders.
Over the entire outreach (in combined total attendance over all of the meetings), about 29,000 heard the Gospel message and about 5,000 to 6,000 precious people prayed to surrender their lives to the Lord Jesus Christ. Many were dramatically set free, as people turned from witchcraft and false religions. (One particular testimony involved a leading sorceress woman who publicly proclaimed Jesus Christ as Lord, surrendering to the Lord from the platform. Her example led to two other prominent business women coming for prayer, and surrendering their lives to Jesus the following day).
Here are a few highlights . . .
Audio Summary:
The local pastors were very encouraged, and are now working hard to follow-up on these new believers. We praise God for the opportunity to GO with God’s Good News to BUDUDA, and praise Him for all that He did among these people. Please continue to pray for the churches in this area.
“For God so LOVED the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).
Thank you for praying and for sending us!
Bududa, Uganda:
Background: Bududa, Uganda is a remote area in S.W. Uganda, in East Africa. Last year, many in this area died from a large mud slide, and Harvest Ministry was able to come in with a small semi truck, with greatly needed benevolence help. Other religions in the area: witchcraft/sorcery, tribal practices, and Islam. 55 local Christian pastors and church leaders were involved in this outreach, including 4 major churches helping with followup.