Mission to BUKWO, Uganda
Keep watching this post for daily updates from this week’s Harvest Ministry mission outreach to BUKWO, UGANDA, and please PRAY for many people to repent and to surrender to JESUS CHRIST!!!
Harvest Ministry’s mission to Bukwo, Uganda is April 13th through April 21st (with the actual evangelistic outreach dates from Thursday, April 15th to Saturday, April 17th). Bukwo is a remote and isolated area in East Africa, on the Uganda/ Kenya border. This lush region is located inside of an extinct volcano, with a population consisting of various mixed tribes (with primarily tribal religions). As far as we know, this hidden area has never had a public open-air GOSPEL OUTREACH. Please pray for SOULS to be saved as we share the GOOD NEWS of JESUS CHRIST. PRAYER FOCUS forAPRIL 14th:
- PRAISE: Jon & Daniel arrived safely into Entebbe, Uganda, after several long flights. They will spend the evening in Kampala, Uganda and then will travel tomorrow morning, by road, on a long drive to Bukwo.
- HEALTH: Pray for health and strength, and continued safety for traveling.
- PREPARATION: Continue to pray for the advance team, and for intercession to increase, both in Africa and among prayer supporters in the U.S. (and in other places).
- ADVANCE TEAM: The Harvest Ministry team is already in BUKWO, UGANDA. The advance team is being led by Ugandan NETS minister, Paul Kintu, and Harvest Ministry’s music leader, Geoffery. Pray for these two national leaders to have wisdom, favor with government leaders, and unity with church believers, as they are finalizing preparations.
- TRAVEL SAFETY: Also, please pray for traveling safety and health for Jon Dunagan and Daniel Dunagan as they are flying to Uganda, East Africa today (en route through Amsterdam, Netherlands).
Details: Jon Dunagan will be going on this outreach, accompanied by our 17-year-old son, Daniel Dunagan (a homeschooled high school senior), along with Harvest Ministry’s Ugandan evangelism team.
would like2know details about your bible collage.iwill appriciate.
Iwould like2join your bible collage is possible?may Iknow the details?here is my phone contact n thats my email plz send me the details on the email n send the4n contact.Iwill appriciate.Ap.Emmanuel Bashimimana
[Divine Apostolic Ministries].