Your Search: NETS-Naboth

The need and the vision . . . In Southern Uganda – our dear longtime friends, Naboth and Alice, have been helping over 700 needy orphan children. This African couple haven’t had much to work with, but they’ve been doing everything possible to extend the love of Jesus. Because of this need, and our long-time […]

During November, Harvest Ministry’s N.E.T.S. (National Evangelism Team Support) leader, Naboth Tumuhairwe, traveled over rough mountainous roads to share the Good News in a remote area in Tanzania. Over 2,000 people came to hear the preaching of the Gospel message, and multitudes repented of their sins and prayed to receive Jesus Christ as their Lord […]

“N.E.T.S” – National Evangelism Team Support: EAST AFRICA N.E.T.S. Minister Naboth Tumuhairwe and his wife Alice have been working together with Harvest Ministry’s N.E.T.S. Outreach since 1991. By God’s grace, they have planted hundreds of self-supporting village churches throughout East Africa (currently overseeing 190 congregations and many national ministers), and are directors of Guma Na […]

January – February – March, 2009 N.E.T.S. Minister Naboth, and his wife Alice (from Mbarara, Uganda – in East Africa) have had some exciting mission reports to share. Recently, they held village evangelistic outreaches in two locations (including a mission crusade in Keisho, Tanzania where approximately 1000 people heard the Gospel and hundreds prayed to […]

“N.E.T.S” – National Evangelism Team Support: It is an honor and a blessing to work alongside anointed national ministers to more effectively reach the lost with the Good News of Jesus. Currently, Harvest Ministry is partnering together with these N.E.T.S. Ministry Teams (led by these anointed men of God, their wonderful wives, and assisted […]

Through Harvest Ministry’s National Evangelism Team Support outreach, we can work together with anointed national ministers of the Gospel to reach a harvest of SOULS for Jesus Christ.Click to access – or to PRINT – a PDF file of this current Harvest Ministry N.E.T.S. (National Evangelism Team Support) information brochure.