Your Search: NETS-Joseph

We have some exciting news this month from Harvest Ministry’s NETS (National Evangelism Team Support) outreach! Evangelist and church-planter, Joseph Baluku (of Bwera, Uganda – East Africa) was able to get a complete new sound system which he can use for outreaches and sharing the Good News of Jesus. For an introduction to Harvest Ministry’s […]

An important outreach of Harvest Ministry is SERVING CHURCHES (primarily remote village churches), through a mission called “H.M.F.I. – Harvest Ministry Fellowship International.” This past year, we have confirmed hundreds of national minister applications and we are excited about the potential of this vision. Our second annual East Africa HMFI conference will be held in […]

“N.E.T.S” – National Evangelism Team Support: It is an honor and a blessing to work alongside anointed national ministers to more effectively reach the lost with the Good News of Jesus. Currently, Harvest Ministry is partnering together with these N.E.T.S. Ministry Teams (led by these anointed men of God, their wonderful wives, and assisted […]

NETS Ministers, Joseph & Margret Baluku focuse on remote evangelistic work throughout the southwestern area of Uganda, especially church planting in the Rwenzori mountain areas. Joseph is ministering in different cities and villages throughout East Africa (in both Uganda and Kenya), leading evangelistic crusades, open air meetings, revival and prayer meetings, teaching seminars, school meetings, […]

News from Uganda: We received AWESOME exciting news from NETS minister, Joseph Baluku in Bwera, Uganda. he just received a brand-new JESUS Film projector, and he is thrilled. Just look at these photos from the front lines of evangelism, along with his personal hand-written praise report. Thank you so much for your love and mission […]

Through Harvest Ministry’s National Evangelism Team Support outreach, we can work together with anointed national ministers of the Gospel to reach a harvest of SOULS for Jesus Christ.Click to access – or to PRINT – a PDF file of this current Harvest Ministry N.E.T.S. (National Evangelism Team Support) information brochure.

Mission News from the NETS (National Evangelism Team Support) outreach: Evangelist and church-planter, Joseph Baluku (of Bwera, Uganda – East Africa) sends a great report about soulwinning and church planting, with pictures and mission highlights. For an introduction to Harvest Ministry’s “N.E.T.S.” Ministry, click here. Reaping a Harvest — in Needy Areas Meet Joseph & […]