The Blessing of BEDS!!!
The BED-NEED has been totally met!!! Thanks to the amazing support and mission gifts of friends and mission partners, this huge need has been provided — for all 500 BEDS.
Praise Jesus!!! And thank you to everyone who prayed and who gave. GOD BLESS YOU!!!
We’re praising God . . .
This past month, it was exciting to begin seeing some significant progress in our LOVING ORPHANS mission project to purchase BUNK BEDS for all of the children at Guma Na Yesu “Keep with Jesus” Children’s Center.
We serve a BIG God!
These metal bunk-beds (which are quite cheerful-looking . . . and which are bringing SO much joy to everyone at Guma) cost $33 per child (or per level).
This amount multiplied by the remaining 300 kids adds up to a total cost of about $9,000 for the completion of this project. It’s a BIG need, but it really will make a huge difference to each child and to the overall living standard of the orphanage. We really desire to get these mattresses off of the ground! (NOTE: This need is completely sponsored!!! Praise JESUS!!!)
Helping a young man (an orphan) in business!
Plus, an exciting additional blessing is that we’re buying these bunk beds from one of the GROWN ORPHAN boys, a godly young man, who was raised in this children’s home. This mission project and purchase will be a double blessing for God’s kingdom.
Please PRAY!
Most of all, we are asking for your PRAYER SUPPORT. Please pray for God’s provision and favor. We believe this “dream” is God’s desire and we know that He will take care of it.
The kids are praying for you too . . .
“WE’RE PRAYING FOR MEGAN’S 9 YEAR OLD CHILD: Megan’s 9 year old has been collecting coins for helping children at Guma Na Yesu through Harvest Ministry. This 9 year old child is now sick, the children have started praying for him today morning, please be with us in prayer for total healing of this child in the name of Jesus. (Update from Uganda, January 16 – 2013)
God bless you!
In His Love and Service,
Jon & Ann Dunagan
LOVING ORPHANS with Harvest Ministry
How YOU can help orphan children . . .
Loving the Lord, the lost . . . and orphans.
It’s such a joy to love orphan children . . . for God’s kingdom and for His GLORY!At Harvest Ministry, our primary calling is missions evangelism and soul-winning; but we have found that rescuing orphans is a spiritual battle-zone for the next generation. Currently, we are excited and honored to be caring for over 1000 orphan children — physically, educationally, emotionally, and spiritually — and we wanted to share how YOU can be a part.
From God’s Word, we definitely know that orphans are on God’s heart . . . and they’re also on our heart!
The Bible says, “Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.” (James 1:27)
How YOU can help . . .
Before we share more details, we wanted to give you the “bottom-line” — with two specific ways that you could help some very special orphan children.
1. You can PRAY!
James 5:16 tells us, “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” Prayer takes time and it is a huge gift. We know that prayer makes a difference and we would greatly appreciate your prayers for this area of Harvest Ministry orphan outreach (especially for God’s wisdom and direction).2. You can become an ORPHAN SPONSOR.
If you are interested in learning more about becoming a Harvest Ministry orphan sponsor (through a monthly orphan-child-sponsorship — of any amount — or through a one-time or special orphan gift), just CONTACT US with your name and mailing address. We would be happy to send you an info brochure and Harvest Ministry’s monthly mission update.
Each “number” is a real little child . . . with a heart and a soul and a potential to love Jesus!
Our call to the lost . . .
In world missions, Harvest Ministry’s focus is evangelism. Specifically, we’re called to preach the Gospel to a lost and hurting world, especially to “unreached” people who have never heard of Jesus Christ, and especially in areas that are currently “most-ripe” for harvest.
Over the years, we have often found that some of the world’s most spiritually-hungry areas are also physically-needy areas. Often Harvest Ministry is called to preach the Gospel in current war-zones, or in places that are facing tremendous political and economic challenges. And as we’ve been preaching the Gospel and winning souls for Jesus . . . the Lord has shown us His love for orphan children.
The need to help orphans is HUGE and it’s a strategic point of “battle” against the enemy.The Bible tells us in Hebrews 1:9,
“You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness; therefore God, your God, has anointed you with the oil of gladness beyond your companions.”
We just hate the devil and his deplorable acts. Not only does he “kick” people when they’re down and condemn people when they’ve fallen into his sinful traps; but he has no qualms about taking the most innocent victims of his violence, diseases and sin — precious orphan children — and abusing them to further his evil agenda.
The statistics are horrific.
Worldwide, over 143,000,000 children are orphans. To survive, many of these children are forced to beg or to steal food . . . or worse. Many are sold or “tricked” into slavery. Little boys are forced to become child soldiers. Little girls are forced into the sex trade. Every 15 seconds, another African child becomes an AIDS orphan; in Africa alone, at the end of every year, over two million children will become orphans.
To us, these numbers are not just stats and heart-tugging-manipulators. To us, each number is a real child, with a heart and a soul and a potential to love Jesus.
In many areas where Harvest Ministry has led evangelistic outreaches and where new churches have been planted, local believers often face huge practical challenges. In many villages, national pastors are dealing with a crisis of SO MANY orphan children — due to AIDS, civil war, disease, or incoming refugees — that is way-beyond the capability of their poor congregations. Many church families are trying to help the orphans of their relatives and friends, but sometimes these small churches need help, even for temporary relief.
Since the launching of our orphan outreach in 2006 — by God’s grace and through the generosity and prayers of our wonderful partners — Harvest Ministry has helped to rescue over 1,200 orphan children.
Building projects have included schools, chapels, kitchens, and children’s homes. Special projects have included “underwear-drives” and truckloads-of-mattresses. Over the years, hundreds of children have been fed three meals a day. And most importantly, these children have come to love Jesus Christ. Orphans have saved by God’s grace, water baptized, filled with God’s Holy Spirit and trained in His Word. Many are now involved in worship and dance outreaches, mission evangelism in villages, and church ministry.
Some of these “little missionaries” had been sleeping under trees or wandering the streets. Some were starving or being abused by relatives. Some had nothing but old ripped-up garbage sacks for blankets.
To see these kids now happy and worshiping Jesus is such a JOY.
Prayer and Worship is a vital part of the ministry at Guma Na Yesu Children’s Center
“You have been the helper of the orphan.”
(Psalm 10:14)
Harvest Ministry is called to help children who are not being helped by others. We especially feel a burden to help the orphan needs in the village churches that Harvest Ministry helped to establish. Sometimes our current situations are not as “pretty” and “perfect” as other more established orphan homes; but the needs we have found are real; and the leaders are loving, godly, and genuine people of integrity.
Our calling is to help orphan children in great need . . . for the Glory of our GREAT GOD.
Our daughter Caela with a few children from the Village Family Zone Centers in SW Uganda
Josh & Anna Dunagan – with the children from Aasha (Hope) Children’s Home in Asia
Jon Dunagan – with precious children we helped to rescue – Bussi Island, Uganda
The need . . .
Currently Harvest Ministry is caring and supporting over 1000 orphan children in East Africa: including fully providing for 530 younger orphan children at Guma Na Yesu “Keep With Jesus” Children’s Center (in Mbarara, Uganda), fully providing for 170 older children (primarily orphans) at our Kingdom Vocational Secondary School, plus, overseeing and “checking-up” on an additional 300 orphan children who are living with their relatives and/or Christian families in remote areas and being helped by church-based Village Family Zone Centers (located throughout East Africa).
Also, our son and daughter-in-law Josh & Anna Dunagan are fully supporting 32 orphan children at Aasha (Hope) Children’s Home in South Asia through a brand-new mission, Gospel Projects International, originally launched-out from Harvest Ministry. Also, together with Gospel Projects, Harvest Ministry is in the process of establishing a second new children’s home in another needy area in Asia.
The on-going support for the 700 children at Guma Na Yesu ‘Keep With Jesus’ Children’s Center includes spiritual care and Bible training (with daily chapels, prayer time, fervent worship, and opportunities for ministry outreach); provision for a safe place to live; Christian education (including nationally required school subjects, plus music, cultural dance, and sports); three simple meals each day; clothing (including school uniforms and play clothes); and loving care from the Christian teachers, church leaders, and mommas.
The on-going support through the Village Family Zone Centers includes provision for supervising tutors who travel to the villages to check-up on 300 orphan children and to help encourage the children’s school work, and assistance through local churches for families who have adopted children.
Ann Dunagan – having fun with kids from Guma Na Yesu (Keep With Jesus) Children’s Center – Uganda
School buildings at Guma Na Yesu Children’s Center – Uganda
How YOU can help these children . . .
The need is great and any help (through prayer or support) is very appreciated, to help with spiritual, educational and emotional needs. The physical needs are great, especially for food and living conditions. The kids are happy, safe, and doing very well. They are receiving good education, clothing, and basic needs. We’re continually praising God for His provision and rejoice in His daily “manna.” The spiritual situation is strong and the on-sight atmosphere is full of God-glorifying life and JOY!!!
As you can imagine, there are many ongoing needs — for food, water, clothing, shoes, school supplies, beds/bedding, primary health needs, and continued construction.
Because there are so many orphan children we need to help, Harvest Ministry is no longer doing one-on-one child sponsorship. Some of our orphan projects are short-term relief efforts, or in the process of becoming self-supporting; because of this, we need the flexibility to transfer Harvest Ministry’s orphan funds to the greatest areas of current orphan need. Also, coordinating individual communication between hundreds of children and many individual sponsors is too time-and-labor-demanding for our family-based mission. We realize it’s a “fun” family project to receive a child packet with an individualized picture and regularly updated information on “your” chosen child; however, as we’ve prayed and sought the Lord about how to move forward to help many more needy children — along with how to focus on all the other mission work and our own family balance — we believe we are not to go this route.
Primary school children at Guma Na Yesu (Keep With Jesus) Children’s Center in Uganda
We have been encouraged by testimony of George Müller (1805-1898) , a well-known missionary who believed God for the provision of thousands of orphans in Bristol, England without sharing his need with anyone (and we can safely assume, without any one-on-one sponsorships).
The logistical administration for this “fun” element of one-on-one sponsorship is extremely time-consuming (way-more than we realized). Harvest Ministry went this route for five years, when we first launched our orphan ministry, but the Lord has clearly shown us to make a change. Now, we are simply trusting God for all these children. We’re believing for His provision, even without the personal benefit of one-on-one communication. All of these kids need our help. Instead on one-on-one update packs and individual sponsor letters, Harvest Ministry will highlight individual children throughout the year, along with specific areas for prayer..
At Harvest Ministry, 100% of all mission gifts designated for ORPHAN needs are used for these needy orphan children. Nothing is taken out for any administrative/office needs.
Guma Na Yesu Children’s Center
Ugandan Guma Na Yesu Children’s Center Directors, Naboth & Alice Tumuhairwe
A few ideas . . .
As we live simply, God can help us to give generously . . . and a little bit can make a BIG difference.
If you are looking for a specific sponsorship amount, please know that any amount can make a huge difference to provide for food for a child or for education. orphan child — and to help care for each child in spirit, soul, and body. A suggested amount could be anywhere from $25/month to $100/month for orphan food or orphan education.
And please know that 100% of every mission gift designated for LOVING ORPHANS is used for needy orphan children.
We praise God for His continued provision and know that He will direct those who are called to join with us to help meet each need. In addition to monthly sponsorships (which primarily meet our daily food and educational needs), you might be interested in a special project for orphans . . . such as clothing or underwear or mattresses (each about $10/child), bunk beds ($25/child) or blankets ($5/child), or help with larger building projects.
The children all have pillows, blankets and a special TRUNK-BOX for personal belongings. Recently, we built a new new high school (secondary/vocational) school, along with dorms for both the boys and the girls. Through generous friends, God helped provide for a BED-project, to get bunk-beds and mattresses for all of the kids. Other recent projects have included building a necessary water container, digging a well, bringing-in electricity, building apartment rooms for the teachers, and adding a large bathroom facility.
Several current needs include
How YOU can help . . .
Once again, here are two ways you can help Harvest Ministry’s orphan children:
1. You can PRAY!
2. You can become an ORPHAN SPONSOR.
If you are interested in learning more about becoming a Harvest Ministry orphan sponsor (through a monthly orphan-child-sponsorship — of any amount — or with a one-time or special orphan gift), just CONTACT US with your name and mailing address. We would be happy to send you an info brochure and Harvest Ministry’s monthly mission update.
Here’s a bit more here on our website . . .More about how we’re LOVING ORPHANS . . .
More about Guma Na Yesu (Keep With Jesus) Children’s Center in Mbarara, Uganda . . .
More about Aasha (Hope) Children’s Home in Asia (directed by Gospel Projects International)God bless you!!!
Guma’s Secondary School
Good News from Guma . . .
At Guma Na Yesu (Keep With Jesus) Children’s Center, in Uganda, East Africa, the new Kingdom Vocational Secondary School is growing. Already, in just the first month, there are 170 registered students. Of these, 50 are “paying” students from the community, and the others are boarding students (including both needy children and orphans, receiving free education). Some of these are students who had left Guma Na Yesu, but who have now come back for further training. A few are in the vocational studies, but the majority of the students are in the secondary school (high school) section. It’s exciting!
New secondary school at Guma Na Yesu Children’s Center
The high school students meeting together for an all-school assembly
Praying for God’s blessing on the new school . . .
We now have 170 students!!!
Thank you for caring!
We are so thankful for what the Lord is doing in providing such an answer to prayer. This Christian vocational and secondary school will not only provide education, but also spiritual training, encouragement, and HOPE for these children and their futures.
Please keep praying . . .
More about this new Kingdom Vocational Secondary School at Guma Na Yesu