Meet Jolly @ Guma Na Yesu
Introducing one teenage orphan girl from Guma Na Yesu Children’s Center:
Meet Jolly . . .
JOLLY is one of our youth leaders at Harvest Ministry’s Guma Na Yesu Children’s Center. Jolly loves the Lord Jesus and she enjoys worship and African dance at Guma Na Yesu’s new high school, Kingdom Vocational Secondary School. She leads a lunchtime “Scripture Union Club” which fervently prays for the lost and shares the Gospel through preaching and music at various schools throughout the district.
“I’m an orphan, but now I’m okay. I study well. I sleep well. And I thank God because of this Bible. I was having a desire in my heart and prayed to God for a Bible just this size
. . . and God has done it for me.” — Jolly Casandi
In her own words:
MBARARA, UGANDA, EAST AFRICA — In this video, Jolly Casandi shares a praise report about how God answered her specific prayer. You’ll also see a glimpse of the GUMA kids and youth fervently worshiping the Lord at GUMA NA YESU “Keep With Jesus” Children’s Center. What a joy to love and help orphan children, in Jesus’ Name.
Photo Highlights . . .
“Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity.” –I Timothy 4:12 (NKJV)
Harvest Ministry’s prayer focus for LOVING ORPHANS:
Startling Orphan Statistics
These startling orphan statistics are more than mere facts; remember that each number is a precious child . . . a real little kid. Every one is precious in the eyes of God, and He has an extra-special place in His heart for those children who are orphans (see verses here). But whatever you do, don’t let these overwhelming statistics discourage you. Instead, allow God to take these needs . . . and move your heart . . . to do something.
Even something small.
Maybe you could help . . . even one.
143,000,000 ORPHANS:
It is estimated that between 143,000,000 and 210,000,000 children are orphans. That’s at least 143 MILLION children in the world today. (Recent UNICEF report.)
To give you an idea of the enormity of this need, keep in mind that the approximate population of the US is 300,000,000; and the population of Russia is 141,800,000.)
ORPHANS in Africa:
Every 15 seconds, another child in AFRICA becomes an AIDS orphan. (At the end of every year, 2,102,400 more children will become orphans, in Africa alone.)
Think: “D-I-N-C-S”: There are more orphans in Sub-Sahara Africa than ALL of the children
in Denmark, Ireland, Norway, Canada, and Sweden – combined!Every day . . .
EVERY DAY, 5,760 more children in the world become orphans.
EVERY 2.2 SECONDS another orphan ages out, with no family and no home.
Older orphans . . .
Older orphans are vulnerable . . . to abuse, suicide, prostitution, slavery, becoming child soldiers, immorality (and as a result, vulnerable to AIDS and disease).
Yet, as orphans are rescued and saved by God, and brought into His Kingdom, the enemy’s plans are thwarted; instead, these older orphans can live happy, productive lives and help to advance God’s cause and mission purposes!
“Defend the cause of the weak and the fatherless; Maintain the rights of the poor and
oppressed. Deliver the weak and needy from the hand of the wicked.” Ps 82:3-4More ORPHAN verses:
Ex.22:22-23 NIV, Is.1:17 NASB, Ps.10:17-18 NASB, Hos. 14:3c NASB, Pr. 31:8-9 NKJV
There are so many wonderful ministries helping and loving orphans. At Harvest Ministry, our passion is to not only feed, educate, and provide for the physical needs of these children, but to raise them to LOVE GOD and to glorify Him through their lives!!!
For ideas about how to pray and to help orphans, click here. Listen to a short motivation audio with Ann Dunagan: COMPASSION for ORPHANS
Keep it PURE!
There are 143 million orphans in the world today.
But why should you CARE?
’cause it’s PURE!
We all know that it’s physically healthy to drink a lot of pure fresh water. And how many glasses-a-day are recommended? Isn’t it about eight? Well, how much of God’s PURE and undefiled religion are we getting into our spiritual system on a regular basis?
Let’s drink more.
Let’s keep it pure.
A note from my journal:
I’m feeling so blessed to know that God is hearing our prayers for all of the 700+ orphan children in our care. It’s so wonderful to know that when God gives us a responsibility — when HE puts a specific need on our hearts to follow Him in obedience — He always provides.
Just a while back (randomly “out of the blue” — on a day when Harvest Ministry had some huge pressing orphanage needs), two people “just so happened” to sneak generous handshakes (with mission checks), both because they said the “Lord told them” to help the orphans in Africa (what a BLESSING!!!). One man drove across town to present us with a special missions gift . . . and he said he had never given an offering like this in his entire life. He was struggling to conquer a “fear of lack” in his own life, yet he felt “compelled” that he was supposed to help these orphans with their needs. And right now, others are also seeking God’s direction regarding what they should do to help.
God is SOOO good. I’m feeling the Lord’s focus for me is simply to not worry and to not fear. He simply wants us to obey . . . with a pure heart.
Hand me another glass.“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness sake, for they shall be filled” (JESUS – from Matthew 5).
Related audio: COMPASSION
Let there be LIGHT! . . . (Electricity at GUMA!)
MBARARA, UGANDA, E. AFRICA: Thanks to generous mission gifts, love, and prayers, we now have ELECTRICITY and LIGHT at Guma Na Yesu Children’s Center.
Over the past several months, Harvest Ministry has been working and believing God for step-by-step improvement projects — such as PILLOWS, MATTRESSES, WATER, and SUPPORT. This new blessing of light and electricity is a huge answer to prayer. Praise God!
Getting everything ready . . .
The “Electricity Party!” — Praising God for LIGHT!
Please keep these children in your prayers. Our next orphanage improvement project will be BEDS. This next project is definitely a biggie . . . but our God is BIGGER!!!
To God be the GLORY!!!
More about how we’re LOVING ORPHANS
Bible Verses about Caring for ORPHANS
AASHA Children’s Home: Loving Orphans in Asia
Josh & Anna’s adventures in INDIA . . .
Learn more about Aasha Children’s Home — led by newlyweds Josh & Anna Dunagan. It’s now a new mission called GOSPEL PROJECTS INTERNATIONAL!!! The focus of the ministry is remote village evangelism and orphan care. Come take a look . . . (and keep Josh & Anna in your prayer as they launch out in full-time ministry).
Meet Gloria at Guma Na Yesu!
Why Care For Orphans?
(Q & A from our Mission-Minded Families podcast with Ann Dunagan — 8 minutes)
Jesus never fails!
(Please keep Gloria and all of the children at Guma Na Yesu – Keep With Jesus – Children’s Center – in UGANDA, EAST AFRICA – in your prayers. Thank you for CARING & for LOVING ORPHANS!)
God’s Heart for Orphans
We appreciate all of our friends who help us to care for hundreds of precious children through Harvest Ministry’s orphan outreaches in East Africa and in India.
The Lord has such a heart for orphan children . . . and so do we!
God calls us to care for orphans…
- Learn to do good; Seek justice, reprove the ruthless, defend the orphan, plead for the widow. (Isaiah 1:17, NASB)
- Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. (James 1:27, NIV)
- When you gather the grapes of your vineyard, you shall not go over it again; it shall be for the alien, for the orphan, and for the widow. (Deuteronomy 24:21, NASB)
God’s justice will cover the orphans…
- Do not take advantage of a widow or an orphan. If you do and they cry out to me, I will certainly hear their cry. (Exodus 22:22-23, NIV)
- He executes justice for the or phan and the widow.(Deuteronomy 10:18a, NASB)
- Woe to those who…rob the poor of My people of their rights, so that widows may be their spoil and that they may plunder the orphans. (Isaiah 10:1a-2b, NASB)
- Do not mistreat or do violence to the stranger, the orphan, or the widow. (Jeremiah 22:3b, NASB)
- Then I will draw near to you for judgment; and I will be a swift witness against…those who oppress…the widow and the orphan. (Malachi 3:5a, NASB)
The Bible says evil men take advantage of orphans…
- They drive away the orphan’s donkey and take the widow’s ox in pledge. (Job 24:3, NIV)
- They slay the widow and the stranger and murder the orphans. (Psalm 94:6, NASB)
- Others snatch the orphan from the breast, and against the poor they take a pledge. (Job 24:9, NASB)
God promises His love and protection for orphans…
- Leave your orphans; I will protect their lives. (Jeremiah 49:11a, NIV)
- I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. (John 14:18, NIV)
- You have been the helper of the orphan. (Psalm 10:14b, NASB)
- You will incline Your ear to vindicate the orphan and the oppressed, so that man who is of the earth will no longer cause terror. (Psalm 10:17b-18, NASB)
- For in You the orphan finds mercy. (Hosea 14:3c, NASB)
God blesses those who are obedient to care for the needs of orphans…
- When you reap your harvest in your field and have forgotten a sheaf in the field, you shall not go back to get it; it shall be for the alien, for the orphan, and for the widow, in order that the LORD your God may bless you in all the work of your hands. (Deuteronomy 24:19, NASB)
For when the ear heard, it called me blessed, and when the eye saw, it gave witness of me, because I delivered the poor who cried for help, and the orphan who had no helper. The blessing of the one ready to perish came upon me, and I made the widow’s heart sing for joy. (Job 29:11-13, NASB)
These verses were compiled from the facebook group, “A Heart for Orphans.” Photos from Harvest Ministry’s orphan work in Uganda and S.E. India.
Can You Guess What’s in Ernest’s BOX?
All of the kids and youth at Guma Na Yesu — ‘Keep with Jesus’ — Children’s Center have a special TRUNK-BOX for all of their personal belongings.
For a fun orphan ministry highlight, Ernest (our featured BOY this month) is going to show you what’s inside of his special box.
Thanks for caring for us . . .
Our two featured “Kids of the Month” from Harvest Ministry’s LOVING ORPHANS ministry are Nakline and Ernest, from Guma Na Yesu Children’s Center.
Seeing the joy of Jesus radiating from their faces, reminds us of the reason why we do what we do. These aren’t just “numbers” or “needs” we help, but real kids who love Jesus.
You have been the helper of the orphan.
(Psalm 10:14b, NASB)Meet Ernest
“Thanks from all the BOYS!”
Meet Nakline
“Thanks from all the GIRLS!”
For in You the orphan finds mercy.
(Hosea 14:3c, NASB)What’s in Ernest’s Box:
Every child has a metal trunk-box, with a lock and a key.
Play clothes, underclothes, Pajamas, School Uniform, Church Clothes
A Personal Towel
Socks, Shoes, and Shoe-Shine (some kids have flip-flops or sandals)
Personal school supplies: paper, pens
Toothbrush and Toothpaste (the kids also have soap and a washcloth)
And a Bible (full Bible or New Testament, in either English or a native language)
Thank you for LOVING ORPHANS with us!
More about Loving Orphans with Harvest Ministry
More about Guma Na Yesu Primary School
More about Kingdom Vocational Secondary School
More about How YOU Can Help (sponsorship info)
A Sweet Song from Guma Na Yesu
“Lift your hands together and praise the Lord!”
At Guma Na Yesu (Keep With Jesus) Children’s Center in Uganda, orphan children from six nations are being educated and cared for, with love and compassion. Here’s special song from a precious girl who loves to sing. Her name is Caroline Rebecca, and she is 12 years old.
Caroline says, “I like praying and studying in school, and I like to get knowledge. My favorite color is YELLOW and my favorite verse is Psalm 125:1, “Those who trust in the Lord will be like Mt. Zion.” Also, my favorite worship song says, “Everybody, lift your hands together and PRAISE THE LORD.”
“Thank you for caring for us!”
Loving ORPHANS: “Daos” (one little boy)
We want to introduce you to some of the awesome kids who are being cared for through the LOVING ORPHAN outreaches of Harvest Ministry.
Sometimes, statistics can seem overwhelming. But let’s remember that orphans are not just “numbers” and “needs.” Each one is a special and unique child, created in the image of God. He loves them and at Harvest Ministry, so do we!
To love a child is not a burden, it’s a joy!
Meet one special boy: Daos
Name: Daos Ndyamuhaki
Guma Na Yesu (Keep With Jesus) Children’s Center
Mbarara, Uganda, East AfricaAge: 7 years old
Favorite color: black
Favorite food: “posho” (a Ugandan staple food made from cassava flour)
Favorite Bible story: Jesus loving the children
Favorite song: (in the Ugandan Nyankole language)
We are winners.
We are winners.
Believers do not fear.
Even if problems come
Jesus knows them
Daos is one of the kids at Guma Na Yesu (Keep With Jesus) Children’s Center in Mbarara, Uganda. Please keep him, and all these precious children in your prayers.
Learn more about loving ORPHANS . . .
Learn more about how Harvest Ministry is LOVING ORPHANS
Learn more about Guma Na Yesu Children’s Center
Learn more about how you can help.