Recommended Family Mission Books

Family Missions Training

Operation World
Probably the best mission resource to help you pray for every country in the world.
It includes current information and statistics from a Christian viewpoint.

Window on the World
Also check out the new children’s version of Operation World. It’s an incredible full-color book with photographs and information on over 100 people groups and countries around the world!!!

Money, Possessions and Eternity
By Randy Alcorn: “Who wants to settle for fleeting treasures on earth . . . when God offers everlasting treasures in heaven?”

Evangelism by Fire
Ignite your fire for world evangelism with this dynamic book by Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke.

Exciting true missionary story about a young man’s perseverance to reach and impact a primitive tribe in South America for Jesus. This is a great book to challenge a young person who is beginning to sense the Lord’s call to missions.

Christian Heroes Then & Now – My favorite family missionary biography series, by YWAM Publishers.

Passport to the World – an A to Z language adventure – with full-color pages, an included passport, and “visa” stickers. Highly recommended for mission-minded families.

Is That Really You, God?
The inspirational story of Loren Cunningham, founder of YWAM. An excellent book, sharing not only the testimony of how YWAM got started, but also how to recognize the Lord’s direction in your life.

Daring to Live on the Edge
An encouraging book about the adventure of faith and finances. This is a great book for those just “stepping out” into full-time ministry, or for those the Lord is challenging to “step out” into a new level of giving to the Lord’s work.

Friend Raising
A very practical book about building a missionary support team that lasts.

Hero Tales
These are our favorite missionary biographies to read aloud to children. The stories are well written, and a perfect length for a family devotion time. (They’re also classy hard cover books that would look beautiful on your coffee table!)

Also recommended:

Evangelism by Fire
Ignite your fire for world evangelism with this dynamic book by Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke.

Jesus Freaks
This book is incredible. It shares story after story of Christians (both long ago, and in recent history) who were willing to surrender everything (even their lives) to follow Jesus. Inspirational and challenging for any age level, but especially appropriate for teens and young adults.

And (of course), Ann’s books: The Mission-Minded Child: Raising a New Generation to Fulfill God’s Purpose, and The Mission-Minded Family: Releasing Your Family to God’s Destiny.


4 Responses to “Recommended Family Mission Books”
  1. Here’s a link (on Amazon) to find Daring to Live on the Edge – The Adventure of Faith and Finances (by Loren Cunningham of YWAM). It’s a great missions — one of our family’s favorites!

  2. how can i get the book daring to live on edge by mary geegh thankyou sharon


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