Good Friday Series — Our CALL to the CROSS
In Galatians 2:20, the Bible says, “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.”
Jesus Christ gave His life for us; He shed His blood for our salvation. Let’s remember His sacrifice, and live our lives for Him.
“The bedrock foundation for our call to world missions is the blood of Jesus Christ.” –Jon Dunagan
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God’s Only Way
It is Christ’s blood that sets Christianity apart from every other religion. In the world’s eye, Christ’s blood is despised and rejected; yet according to God’s Word, it is precious and powerful.
“For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing,
but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.”
–I Corinthians 1:18
Non-Offensive Evangelism?
Years ago, I (Jon) had an acquaintance with a pastor who was trying to add people to his church by making his services “user-friendly.” One time, when I was visiting his congregation, I listened as this pastor encouraged his members to invite others to church in non-offensive ways. Spontaneously, the pastor called for me to come up to the front (as a visiting evangelist) and to demonstrate to the congregation how to lead someone to Jesus without using offensive words such as “the blood” or “the cross.”
So I walked up to the front and just stood there . . . without saying a word.
After several minutes of awkward silence, the pastor seemed nervous and embarrassed.
Finally, I answered loud and clear, “Pastor, it is impossible to lead someone to salvation without talking about the blood and the cross.”
A few people in the congregation clapped, as I sat back down (but needless to say, I was never invited to preach at that church again).
Nothing but the Blood of Jesus
Old hymn books are filled with choruses about Christ’s precious blood and His sacrifice on the cross; yet any contemporary churches avoid this theme.
In “broadminded” Christian churches, preaching about Christ’s blood is considered controversial and unnecessary. A sermon about “the blood” sounds violent and grotesque. Serious discussions about sin, or God’s salvation through Jesus Christ alone, are deemed insulting, or offensive. Some Christian churches even avoid any display of the cross.
In many public settings, ministers or leaders are criticized, or harassed, for praying in the name of Jesus Christ.
Yet Christ’s sacrifice, His cross, and His name are irreplaceable.
His blood is our only hope.
This post is an excerpt from Chapter 2, “God’s Only Way,” from
Jon & Ann Dunagan’s book, THE SCARLET CORD: Nothing but the Blood of Jesus. It’s a concise call to world missions, emphasizing God’s only way of salvation through the precious blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.
NETS missions with Harvest Ministry: Sharing the JESUS Film in remote villages in Nepal
Good Friday Series — Passion for HARVEST
Good Friday — FREE book
Photo: In Nepal, NETS ministers share the Gospel in remote villages using the JESUS Film.
On the cross of Calvary, Jesus Christ displayed His deepest passion, and there He fulfilled His ultimate purpose on earth — to provide the ONLY way for us, and for all people, to be saved from our sins and reconciled to God.
In Hebrews 12:2, the Bible tells us to look unto Jesus, “the author and finisher of our faith, Who for the JOY that was set before Him endured the cross.”
How could there be any JOY in such a brutal cross?
How can we refer to that day as “GOOD” Friday?
It’s because we know how the story ends!
Through Christ’s atoning cross (meaning, His death “atoned” or “paid for” the penalty of our sins) and His glorious resurrection, our Lord destroyed the power-hold of sin and death in our lives, and He opened the door for us to receive God’s salvation.
It’s because He died, that we can live!
As Christians, we need to be challenged and “moved” by the cross. We need to remember all that Jesus endured, and continually remind ourselves of the purpose for His willing obedience.
Your Passion for Harvest
A Song of Prayer
Your passion for harvest, O Lord Your love for the lost
For the JOY set before You, O Lord You took Your cross
Now Your love compels me, for You died to save me
May I live only for You, and . . .
Your passion for harvest, I need Your love for the lost
For the JOY set before me, O Lord, I’ll take my cross
For Your love compels me, for You died to save me
May I live only for You, for You.
Jesus Christ willingly surrendered everything, and took up His cross; but it wasn’t only for us. Our Lord’s precious blood was shed for the entire world. Yet even now, 2,000 years later, over 1.6 BILLION people have still never heard of Him. As Christians, we must be willing to surrender . . . everything . . . to take up our cross (God’s desire and will for our lives). We need to pray. We need to give. And we need to open our mouth and share our faith with others. We need God’s love and His passion for the harvest.
“I have been crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live, yet not I but Christ that lives in me, and the life that I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me” “For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.”
(Galations 2:20).
(I Corinthians 1:18).“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life”
(John 3:16 NKJV).
This year, as we remember our Lord Jesus’ death and resurrection, may we all be filled with more of His purpose and more of His tremendous love.
In His Harvest,
Jon & Ann
Good Friday Series — Hallelujah, Jesus is ALIVE!
The central focus of Christianity is the cross and the empty tomb — the sacrificial death and glorious resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.
During this month when springtime and Easter decorations can be seen in grocery aisles, department stores, and city parks, it’s not hard to draw attention to the true meaning of the season . . . and to let people know . . .
Christ the Lord is RISEN today!
Follow the full GOOD FRIDAY series
During Easter week, you will likely see Easter decorations in many different locations — at grocery stores and drug stores (selling Easter egg decorations and food coloring sets), in department stores (by little girl dresses and ladies dresses), in shoe stores (selling cute dress-up shoes for Easter).WITNESS AT A CITY EASTER EGG HUNT
Many families will decorate eggs, but they have no idea about the real meaning of the Cross and the Resurrection. Brainstorm a few specific ways that your family make an impact, this week, for Jesus. Perhaps you could go to a local Easter egg hunt and invite people to church. Maybe you could go to a grocery store and hang out by the egg dye to talk to a few people about Jesus. Maybe you could invite a few neighborhood kids over to decorate eggs and then talk about Jesus. Be prepared to share the Gospel this week — have Gospel tracts handy or simple invitations to church (even extra church bulletins or hand-made invitations).
If you decorate Easter eggs, include pictures of the cross and the empty tomb, and words such as “JESUS IS ALIVE!” or “I LOVE JESUS!” (You can write these words with a color crayon before you put the eggs in the dye.)
Have fun Easter-themed decorations and treats. Read aloud from a Christian children’s book which focus on the true meaning of the Cross and the Resurrection of Christ, such as any Bible storybook. Two of our family favorites are The Tale of the Three Trees, or The Little Rose of Sharon.
Invite little girls over for a fun dress-up tea party. Use the party time “games” to share the true meaning of Easter (perhaps with the EvangeCube, the Gospel colors, coloring pictures, a Bible story book, or a short children’s cartoon about Jesus). Share the Gospel and invite families to come to church.
Spread a heart for world missions — by giving away copies of THE SCARLET CORD: Nothing but the Blood of Jesus to friends at your church or to mission-minded families. The Scarlet Cord is a concise call to world missions, emphasizing God’s only way of salvation through the precious blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.Available in sets of 5.
Have your kids make simple hand-drawn pictures about the cross of Jesus Christ and the resurrection, with an invitation to your church’s Sunday Easter Service; bring the drawings with you the next time you are in the vicinity of your home church, and have your kids look for someone specific they can invite to church. Maybe give these to relatives on Easter Sunday, or go to an elderly care facility and give the drawings to people to let them know about Jesus.
Think about your neighbors and pray about who you could invite to church. Walk through your neighborhood, and pray for various families, as specifically as you can. Make a simple effort (perhaps with a phone call, a stop at their house with a plate of cookies, or a simple basket with Easter treats and a church bulletin or handwritten card) and INVITE them to come.More people visit church on Easter Sunday than at any other time. Take advantage of the special holiday and invite families to come with you.
(Credit for the cute bunny photo is from a good article about how to focus on the true meaning of Easter in public schools from
Good Friday Series — Fun Ideas for Families
Fun Ideas for Mission-Minded Families
Ideas for Families:
Looking for some fun (and easy) Good Friday and Easter ideas for your family? — with a focus on Jesus, the Cross, and Missions?
See our posts on Daring Daughters < < <
Good Friday – PALM SUNDAY
Today, as we remember all that Jesus Christ did for us during His final days before going to the Cross, we think about Palm Sunday and His Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem.
Follow the full GOOD FRIDAY series
The Triumphal Entry
7 They brought the donkey and the colt, laid their clothes on them,
and set Him on them. 8 And a very great multitude spread their clothes on the road;
others cut down branches from the trees and spread them on the road.
9 Then the multitudes who went before and those who followed cried out, saying:“Hosanna to the Son of David!
‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!’
Hosanna in the highest!”
10 And when He had come into Jerusalem,
all the city was moved, saying, “Who is this?”11 So the multitudes said,
“This is Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth of Galilee.”Matthew 21:7-11 (NKJV)
An excerpt from The Scarlet Cord
Completely following Jesus Christ will not always be easy, or comfortable.
The tough subjects addressed in this book–such as taking up your cross and going to the nations, or pondering the eternal condition of “lost souls”–are not popular themes.
Many Christians would rather focus on how to be happy.
Let’s be honest here. It’s typical and normal to want an easy life and pleasant things.
Most people would prefer a delicious feast, rather than an extended fast. Most people would prefer to stay at a fabulous hotel, rather than in a filthy mud hut.
And perhaps our Lord Jesus might have preferred reigning from His heavenly throne . . . more than His suffering on the cross.
This excerpt is from the Preface of Jon & Ann Dunagan’s brand-new book, THE SCARLET CORD: Nothing but the Blood of Jesus. It’s a concise call to world missions, emphasizing God’s only way of salvation through the precious blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Will we praise Him . . . without the multitudes?
It was easy for the crowds to praise and worship Jesus, when all the multitudes were joining in . . . yet less than a week later only a few of His followers remained faithful as our Lord was nailed to the Cross of Calvary.
And what about us?
Will we praise and worship Jesus even when times are tough?
Will we follow Him by taking up “our” cross and doing whatever He tells us to do?Do you remember that old Sunday School song:
I have decided to follow Jesus.
I have decided to follow Jesus.
I have decided to follow Jesus.
No turning back, No turning back.Though none go with me, still I will follow.
Though none go with me, still I will follow.
Though none go with me, still I will follow.
No turning back. No turning back.
Yet despite the failures of those disciples who turned away, God was merciful and forgiving. Other than Judas, they all came back . . . and followed Jesus to their death.
Through the power of the Cross and Christ’s salvation, the Gospel has continued for over 2000 years, and the God’s salvation has spread throughout the world. All across the earth, multitudes are still PRAISING HIM today!
Many have yet to hear God’s Good News, yet we praise God for all He has done and for every person who has been saved by the precious blood of Jesus Christ.
(This video highlights a crowd at a Harvest Ministry outreach in East Africa, praising and Jesus Christ. He is worthy of all worship . . . at all times. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!!)
Glory to God in the Highest!
Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord.
Good Friday Series — Cultural Traditions
Around the world, the Cross and Resurrection of Jesus Christ is celebrated and remembered in many different ways.
Holy Week in Latin America
In many Latin American countries, such as in Antigua, Guatemala, huge processions with statues of Jesus, Mary, and other religious relics are carried through the streets, yet in many places there is sometimes little or no mention of the resurrection.
Years ago, as our family was on a mission trip during Holy Week to Costa Rica and Guatemala, our family felt so burdened for the lost as we witnessed and shared the Gospel with people on the streets.
Although the cultural traditions were beautiful and religious, such as using flower pedals to decorate the streets from Palm Sunday through Good Friday, many people we met had no personal relationship with the Lord, or an understanding that JESUS is ALIVE today.
In other places (such as in the Philippines, in SE Asia) men allow themselves to actually be nailed to a cross – stopping just short of death – all done as “penance” (a religious self-effort to pay part of the punishment for their sins).
Sharing the JESUS Film in Asia
We are so thankful for the Cross of Jesus Christ, and His perfect sinless blood, shed once and ONE TIME ONLY for the forgiveness of our sins.
(Photo: NETS ministry sharing the Gospel through the JESUS Film in remote areas in Nepal)
Follow our Good Friday Series for Mission-Minded Families.
Learn more about The Scarlet Cord: Nothing but the Blood of Jesus (including a FREE eBook offer for Good Friday)
Raising REAL MEN for God
Today’s world desperately needs REAL MEN; and as mission-minded parents, we need to do our part to raise our boys to make a difference for God’s kingdom.
Training Our Boys to be Men
Young men hunger for adventure, yet their desires will never to be met by watching high-action movies, or by becoming an expert in video games. And they don’t need us as women and as moms to tell them to just sit still in church and be good little boys.
We need to raise our boys for daring kingdom leadership.
“If I want my men to be dangerous for the kingdom of God, I need to be dangerous too. Over the years, God has shown me that I need to be WARRIOR in prayer and intercession, and not a WORRIER.”
Today, we’re over on another website called PASSIONATE HOMEMAKING — encouraging moms about raising strong sons for God. Today’s featured article (part 1 of a 2-part series) is about “Training Our Boys to be Men.” Feel free to add your thoughts or questions as a COMMENT on the Passionate Homemaking page. Any discussion really adds to an article’s impact!
More on Harvest Ministry about Raising Sons (& Missionary Heroes)
Daring Daughters: ARROWS aimed by God!
Missions & SUB-mission
Today, we want to invite you over to another site called Visionary Womanhood.
Two of Ann’s new articles are being featured there this week –about the relationship between “Missions and SUB-Mission.” Both articles were written especially for mothers, but they are also applicable for daring daughters of all ages!
As Daring Daughters, we need to realize that we are special arrows for God,
and we need to submit to His alignment and direction in our lives.
We need to allow the Lord to “aim” us and to focus us toward His goals and His purposes,
which begins with our daily relationship with Him . . .
read the articles . . .
Missions & SUB-mission 1 — click here for PART 1 —>
Part 1 is a short teaching and encouragement for women about how SUB-mission to God is like an ARROW yielding to the archer, a SUBMARINE advancing silently underwater, and a FRUIT TREE being pruned in winter.Missions & SUB-mission 2 — click here for PART 2 —>
Part 2 is Ann’s personal story of SUB-mission and how she learned the importance of obedience to God (as a adventurous newlywed, while smuggling Bibles into China).
The Scarlet Cord: FREE Missions Book
A Concise Call to World Missions!
Emphasizing God’s only way of salvation through the precious blood of Jesus Christ, The Scarlet Cord is a call to missions. With personal missionary adventures and a passion for the lost, Jon & Ann Dunagan share why “Missions is not just for missionaries; God’s call is for all!”
Challenge Your Church:
Harvest Ministry is offering THE SCARLET CORD books in multiples of 5 for a suggested donation to cover our publishing costs and shipping. Our heart is to see the vision for this book to be extended to as many people as possible — the message of God’s salvation through the BLOOD OF JESUS and God’s passionate call to reach the lost.
5 books = $20
10 books = $40
20 books = $80
25 books = $100
50 books = $200
75 books = $300
100 books = $400
Order Your Set Today!
Set of 5 books (paperback edition) –
Suggested cost: $20
Chapters Include:
Ch. 1 – Saved to the Uttermost:
The Symbolism of Rahab’s Scarlet CordCh. 2 – God’s Only Way:
Nothing but the Blood of JesusCh. 3 – God’s Vision:
Big Questions about World MissionsCh. 4 – God’s Great Commission:
Our Biblical Basis for World MissionsCh. 5 – God’s Great Provision:
Trusting God and Stepping OutCh. 6 – God’s Great Adventure:
Exciting Experiences from Every ContinentCh. 7 – 100 Mission Mottos:
Compelling Missionary QuotesCh. 8 – 100 Mission Verses:
Nothing but the Blood of Jesus from Genesis to RevelationCh. 9 – 100 Missionaries & Martyrs:
Remembering Those Who Gave Their AllCh. 10 – The Blood of the Lost:
Classic Missionary StoriesCh. 11 – Remembering the Blood:
Communion Verses and Hymns
FREE ebook special!
“For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” –I Corinthians 1:18
Jesus paid it all . . .
Our heart is to see the vision for The Scarlet Cord — stirring up God’s heart for all nations and for the lost — extend to as many people as possible.
There are 3 ways you can order The Scarlet Cord:
- Order paperback book-sets for church or family distribution in multiples of 5
- Order one paperback book as part of our complete 3-book Mission-Minded Family set
- Order as an instant download Ebook (in PDF format).
“The bedrock foundation for our call to world missions
is the blood of Jesus Christ.”
–Jon Dunagan
What others are saying . . .
“I have just finished reading The Scarlet Cord: Nothing but the Blood of Jesus. This powerful book has put a fresh fire in my heart for world evangelization. To those serious about world missions, I recommend this book strongly, and to those not serious about world missions, I recommend it even more.” — Timothy Johnson, Dominican Republic: foreign-based missionary for over 25 years
“I can’t say enough about this book, what a blessing. you will laugh and you will cry, but most important is you will search deep in your heart for God’s plan for you and your mission field. We won’t all go to other countries, but with out a doubt this little powerful book will make you want to look deeper into you own mission field. It will help make you understand that your mission’s start the minute you rise in the morning until you close your eye’s in prayer at night. And every where you go throughout your day you are on your mission field. And The Lord is right there with you and will lead and guide you every step of the way. Thank you Jon and Ann, for all this book offers to us in our daily walk on our mission fields.Thank you so very much!” —Terri Trobridge, East Olympia Community Church, Olympia, Washington
“I am slowly reading a new book called The Scarlet Cord: Nothing but the Blood of Jesus, by Jon and Ann Dunagan. WHAT A WONDERFUL BOOK! A must read if you are a Christian.”–Juanita Rouse, Olympia, Washington
Read more about THE SCARLET CORD . . .
Special Offer: THE SCARLET CORD (paperback edition) is not available for individual purchase; however, you can order this book with our Mission-Minded SET.
Click here for Harvest Ministry’s 3-book offer > > >
A Mission-Minded Family Focus for April 1st
Today’s Prayer & Outreach Focus for Mission-Minded Families:
– Psalm 14:1 tells us, “The fool has said in his heart, there is no God.”
It’s simple: NO GOD – NO PEACE. Know God – Know Peace.
April Fools Day is an appropriate time to use a verse or two about the “foolishness of man” as a timely introduction to sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. It’s also a good day to specifically pray as a family for people who don’t know Jesus, or for those who claim to be Atheists. I Cor. 1:18 says, “For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.” It’s also a good day to be willing to be “fools for Christ” (I Cor. 4:10) as we share the Good News of God’s salvation.
April Fools Day Prayer Focus:
Pray for secular and atheist-minded people to realize their need for JESUS CHRIST!
Pray for the nation and people of Japan to seek God, and the truth of Jesus Christ. This country has been dominated by secularism and self-reliance, but the recent earthquakes and Tsunami may reveal their need for God’s help. Related article on Missional Outreach Network: Could the Japanese disaster cause this secular nation to turn to God?
(Photo from the Atheistic Bus Campaign, via FoxNews)
Pray for atheists in Europe. An atheistic group organized an anti-God ad campaign on red buses in London. The slogans say: “There is probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life.” (Read the entire AP article on FOXNews to learn what’s motivating the organizer’s anger against God). Let’s intercede for these ads to cause people in London to realize the shallowness of their conclusions, for their atheistic purposes to backfire, for UK Christians to be stirred up and more-bold than ever to witness, and for people in London to be “drawn” to seek God . . . and to discover the true JOY in life . . . that’s found only in JESUS!
(Photo from The Christian Post)
A recent multimedia ad campaign in New York (launched March, 2011 by a humanistic group), declares that atheists and the nonreligious can live good, meaningful lives without God. “You don’t need God – to hope, to care, to love, to live,” the ad states. Read a Christian Post article on these Atheist Ads, and pray for these precious (but misguided) people to realize the futility and hopelessness of trying to live “good” or “meaningful” lives without God’s help and purpose.Let’s pray for people all throughout the world who claim to be “atheist.” Let’s pray that these people would desire to “search” for God and that they would find Him! And let’s also pray that we would be willing to be bold in our witness and to be “fools” for Jesus Christ.
A Mission-Minded Quote for April Fools Day:
“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.”— Missionary Martyr, Jim Elliot – October 28, 1949
This post is adapted from Ann’s book,
The Mission-Minded Family – Releasing Your Family to God’s Destiny.