Your Search: Harvest-time

THE WHOLE ESTATE – A Classic Missions Challenge, by Oswald J. Smith: “Here is an estate. The master tells his servants that he is leaving, but that he will be returning. And while he is gone, they are to bring the entire estate under cultivation . . . ” Learn more about the mission vision […]

How does your family choose to “handle” October 31st?
In this month’s mission-minded family audio, Ann Dunagan teaches from a personal, historical, and biblical perspective. Your family will be encouraged to focus on what matters, as you remember the Lord and the lost.

Mission News from the NETS (National Evangelism Team Support) outreach: Evangelist and church-planter, Joseph Baluku (of Bwera, Uganda – East Africa) sends a great report about soulwinning and church planting, with pictures and mission highlights. For an introduction to Harvest Ministry’s “N.E.T.S.” Ministry, click here. Reaping a Harvest — in Needy Areas Meet Joseph & […]

By Joshua Dunagan, at age thirteen “So, what did you eat for Thanksgiving?” During the week of Thanksgiving, my dad and I were across the world in Uganda, East Africa, holding evangelistic outreaches in remote cities out in the middle of nowhere. It was my second Thanksgiving holiday outside of America. But this time was […]

“Why should anyone go back to the table for second’s or third’s, before everyone’s had a first helping?” — Won’t anyone pass the food? Imagine sitting down for a scrumptious Thanksgiving dinner with all of your relatives. Everyone is eager to eat . . . but as you survey Grandma’s extra-long dining room table, complete […]