What’s Our Passion?

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We’re Jon & Ann Dunagan, and our heart and passion is to share God’s love and His Good News of salvation, especially with people who have never yet heard about Jesus Christ.

The Bible tells us that people who need God’s salvation are like a vast field, ripe for harvest. In Matthew 9:37, Jesus says, “…the harvest is ripe, but the laborers are few,” and in John 4:25, He tells us, “…lift up your eyes and look to the fields, for they are white already for harvest.” As Christians, we all need to boldly share the truth of God’s only way of salvation, through Jesus Christ. We need to get our eyes off of ourselves and our comfortable, or overly-busy, routines, and never forget that there is a whole world out there that desperately needs Him.

People Everywhere Need Jesus!

Right now, all across the globe, multitudes are surrendering their lives to Christ, in record numbers as never before. Yet, even still, many more are still unreached. How can we sit back, and hear the Good News of God’s salvation, again and again, while many are waiting to hear it for the first time? Every day, approximately 150,000 people die and come face-to-face with the reality of their eternal destiny, in either heaven or hell. The majority of these precious people are lost in their sins, and far-too-many have never even heard the Good News of God’s salvation. God is totally good, and “not willing that any should perish…” (II Peter 3:9); but He’s also righteous and perfectly holy, and sin separates people from Him.

Salvation through Jesus Christ, by grace and through faith in His sacrificial death on the cross, is the ONLY WAY anyone can get to God. That’s why Jesus chose to die on the cross and it’s why He gave us His Great Commission to “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel…” (Mark 16:15).

Our heart is to share the Good News of Jesus; many are waiting to hear, and the harvest is ripe.

May the Lord bless you as you seek Him, and SOULS!

In His Harvest,
Jon & Ann Dunagan