Your Search: Focus

Today’s focus is your MINISTRY LIFE. In this video (#5 in a 5-part FOCUS series), you will be encouraged to seek the Lord for His purposes in ministry and missions. As Christians, we need to be intentional about sharing the Gospel with people who don’t know Jesus. “MISSIONS is not just for missionaries, God’s call […]

Today’s FOCUS is your FAMILY LIFE. In this video (#4 in a 5-part FOCUS series), you will be encouraged to seek God’s direction in your FAMILY LIFE — in your Marriage and in your Parenting. Here are the links referred to in the video: Super Mom vs. Abiding Mom Chart (source 4-Month FOCUS Chart […]

Today’s FOCUS is your PHYSICAL LIFE & HEALTH. In this video (#3 in a 5-part FOCUS series), Ann will motivate you to seek the Lord for His FOCUS for your Physical Life, specifically in regards to exercise and healthy living. Our physical health can impact our effectiveness for the kingdom of God. Here are the […]

Today’s FOCUS is your SPIRITUAL LIFE. In this video (#2 in a 5-part FOCUS series), we look at putting God first. Today’s FOCUS emphasizes our spiritual life and the importance of a daily QUIET TIME with the Lord. Jesus said, “Without Me, you can do NOTHING!” We need to realize that without God, we can […]

Focus on 4 areas of your life — for the next 4 months: No matter what season, it’s always a good time for a fresh mission-minded FOCUS. In this video series (#1 in a 5-part FOCUS series), you will be encouraged to seek the Lord daily for His direction in EVERY area of your life: […]