Friday, March 28, 2025

The Challenge: DAY 8 – God’s Commands #3


Welcome to DAY 8 of the 40-Day Mission-Minded FAMILY CHALLENGE!

Today your family will learn the HAND COMMANDS (finger motions) for the Ten Commandments #5 and #6 – “Honor your father and mother” and “You shall not murder.”

C’mon . . . Take the Challenge!

A few questions for feedback:

Discuss Commandment #5 – What does it mean to honor your father and mother? (One blessing of youth is that you can know you’re in God’s perfect will by simply honoring your parents and obeying them. Compared to the process in adulthood of earnestly “seeking” God’s perfect will for your life, it’s so easy!!!)

Commandment #6 – Some Christians use this commandment to teach their belief in pacifism. The wording actually refers to murder. There is a difference between ‘to murder’ and ‘to kill for justice’ – as in a judicial execution, in service to one’s country in a just war situation, or in self-defense. There is need in this world for godly people in all spheres of society, and that includes the military. My husband has preached the Gospel to many military soldiers throughout the world and this specific explanation – about the difference between “to murder” and “to kill” – has helped many people in the military to surrender their lives to the Lord. Without this understanding, many soldiers do not realize that it can be possible to be both a good soldier and a good Christian. On a more personal family note, our oldest son is a young man who strongly loves the Lord, and he is currently serving as a 2nd Lieutenant in the U.S. Marine Corps. Our son definitely sought the Lord for guidance in this decision, and as parents, we prayed with him in that regards. We have a peace about his decision, and believe that wherever our son will be sent, he will go as God’s ambassador.

This commandment can also refer to abortion; as mission-minded families, it is vital to instill in our children the importance and value of LIFE.

By the way, although I refer to a quote by Helen Keller, I do not recommend her as a Christian role model, but rather, as a remarkable example of determination and perseverance.

Continue the 40-Day Mission-Minded FAMILY CHALLENGE . . .

Click here for DAY 9


3 Responses to “The Challenge: DAY 8 – God’s Commands #3”
  1. Barb,

    That’s a good word. To RUN THE RACE, no matter how hard. And the wonderful thing is that GOD will give us the GRACE (His ability to do whatever He asks us to do). I’m working on February’s newsletter today, and will try to keep the font bigger for you (and others).

    In His Love & Harvest,
    Ann & all

  2. Barb Hicks says:

    Hi Ann,

    We had a missions weekend at the church here in Mesa, AZ, this weekend! Friday night the speaker was a lady missionary in the north African countries. The speaker Sun. morning was from the AOG. He showed three videos. One was about a cerebral palsy youth who ran races with his high school team. It was quite a tear jerker for everyone. His analogy was to run the race no matter how hard.

    Sometimes I can get internet. So I am continuing these as I can. Thank you again for doing this series.


  3. We love the hand commands, it really works for remembering. We need to solidify understanding of the commandments but that is coming along, too. Not even a quarter of the way through our 40-Day challenge and we are experiencing Satan’s opposition to this, so we are enthusiastically pressing on!
    .-= Christy Nordstrom´s last blog ..An Interesting McDay =-.

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